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Middle and High School Consolidation? Community Input Sought
Vance County Schools For Immediate Release January 9, 2018 The Vance County Board of Education at its January 8 meeting directed Superintendent Anthony Jackson and school system staff members to seek community input on a potential facilities consolidation plan that would impact current Vance County middle and high schools. Jackson provided information at the board...
#VANCECoProud – Wills Delegate to Congress of Future Medical Leaders
— courtesy Vance County Schools For Immediate Release January 10, 2018 Kianna Wills, who is a junior at the Vance County Early College High School, has been selected as a delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Lowell, Ma., June 25-27. The Congress is an honors program for high school students who want...
Maria Parham Health welcomes Dr. Aidevo Igbide
The following is a press release from Maria Parham Health, not a paid advertisement. Henderson, NC – Maria Parham Health (MPH), a Duke LifePoint hospital, is excited to announce that Aidevo S. Igbide, MD has joined their primary care physician practice, Maria Parham Primary Care. Dr. Igbide joins our community from Surrey, BC, Canada where...
Oxford Board Joint Committee Meeting Jan 17, 2018
CITY OF OXFORD JOINT MEETING OF THE PLANNING, BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE AND THE PROPERTY, BUILDINGS AND REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE MEETING There will be a joint meeting of the Planning and Property Committees for the Oxford Board of Commissioners. They will meet on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 1:00 PM. The meeting will be held...
Daddy’s Boys: Broken Promises – Sat, Jan 13
The following is a press release from McGregor Hall, not a paid advertisement. New Play Coming To McGregor Hall Delves Into Issues Facing The African-American Family ‘Daddy’s Boys: Broken Promises’ Debuts On McGregor Hall Stage On MLK Jr. Weekend With Promise To Entertain & Educate Audience HENDERSON, N.C. — “Come out and support issues facing...
Vance County Food Giveaway Thurs, Jan 11, 2018
Vance County Food Giveaway Thurs, Jan 11, 2018 NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release – Wednesday, January 10,2018 From: Turner Pride, County Extension Director Community agencies and the faith-based community have joined forces to help feed Vance County! On Thursday, January 11, 2018 the NC Central/Eastern Food Bank will be distributing bags of food to community members who...
City and County Leaders Vote to Demolish Abagayles Books Property
In the respective Vance County Commissioners and Henderson City Council meetings Monday night, the boards each voted to demolish the former Abagayles Books property on Garnett Street and that the effort would be jointly funded 50/50. Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington indicated the council “moved ahead with that to joint fund with the county 50/50.” Vance Commissioners...
Henderson City Council Meeting 1-8-18
Update: 9 p.m. Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington told WIZS News that the resolutions covered below “both passed unanimously.” Furthermore, he said, “The Department of Transportation came up with another $100,000 on the project.” He said he received the call today. These two resolutions considered at Monday night’s meeting protect the historical aspects of the old...