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Vance Co. Early College H.S. Apps for 2018-2019
Vance County Schools For Immediate Release January 23, 2018 Applications are now being accepted for students to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year at the Vance County Early College High School. All rising ninth-grade students are welcome to apply. Applications are available now from school counselors at Eaton-Johnson Middle School, Henderson Middle School and the...
January 25, 2018 First School Consolidation Feasibility Meetings
— from Vance County Schools REMINDER: Our first community conversations to get input on the feasibility of consolidating our middle and high schools are Thursday, January 25, at 10 a.m. in our Administrative Services Center at 1724 Graham Avenue in Henderson, and at 6 p.m. at Henderson Middle School. We need to hear from...
M.A.D.D. Henderson-Vance Meeting Jan 23, 2018
Local citizens and people interested are encouraged to attend a Henderson-Vance Mothers Against Drunk Driving meeting Tuesday, January 23 at 6:00 p.m. It will take place in the Vance County Commissioners meeting room at the old courthouse downtown. M.A.D.D. representatives Lorraine Watkins and Karen Callahan appeared on WIZS TownTalk Monday to promote the meeting. Click...
Vance Charter On-line Apps for 18-19 School Year
This is a press release, not a paid advertisement. Vance Charter School will be accepting on-line applications for the 2018-2019 school year from now until Friday, February 16 at 11:59 p.m. Individuals wishing to apply are encouraged to attend one of the informational meetings that will be held at the school on Tuesday, January 30...
Oxford Meeting of the Planning Committee Jan 24, 2018
The Planning Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, at 1:00 PM. The meeting will be in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street. The purpose of the meeting is to review Chapter 20 of the City of Oxford Code of Ordinances. All those interested...
H-V Chamber Banquet Feb. 1, 2018
Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet February 1, 2018 Speaker: Joseph Dittmar, Sr World Trade Center Survivor/Always Remember Initiative Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center Dinner will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $35 per person; Reserved Tables of 10 are $320 Contact Melanie Mann for information or to purchase tickets Presenting Sponsor: Duke Energy...
Granville Chamber Banquet January 29th
— News Release GRANVILLE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S 76th ANNUAL BANQUET MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 2018; 6:30 PM VANCE-GRANVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE’S CIVIC CENTER Featured speaker: Adrian H. Wood, PhD.: “TALES of an EDUCATED DEBUTANTE” In celebration of 76 years, the Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors announces Adrian H. Wood, PhD., author of...
Fatal I-85 Collision Involved Moped
Press Release – Saturday, January 20, 2018 The Henderson Police Department is investigating a fatality motor vehicle collision that occurred between the 214 and the 213 southbound mile marks on I-85 that occurred around 5:11 AM this morning. The collision involved a moped that was in the right lane, a passenger car, and a commercial...