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Free, Fresh Food Distribution Thurs, Feb 15, 2018
Free, Fresh Food Distribution Thurs, Feb 15, 2018 The First Baptist Church of Henderson, NC will coordinate a fresh food distribution on Thursday, February 15 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. It will take place at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, located at 210 Southpark Drive, off Beckford Drive. First Baptist volunteer Betty Boyd...
VGCC names Farmer to lead programs
— press release courtesy VGCC VGCC names educator to lead programs Vance-Granville Community College recently named Delton Farmer of Durham to head three academic programs: Accounting, Business Administration and Supply Chain Management. Farmer has been a VGCC faculty member since 2007. Farmer is a veteran of the U.S. Army, in which he served as a...
Vance County Properties Committee Meeting Tues, Feb 13, 2018
The Vance County Properties Committee will meet Tuesday, February 13 at 4 p.m. Commissioners Brummitt, Taylor and Wilder form the County Properties Committee. They are scheduled to discuss elevator repairs in the Administration Building. The consultant will be present. The committee will also review several offers to purchase REO properties (Real Estate Owned). All commissioners...
Henderson Family YMCA Changing Pay Structure; Planning Annual Campaign
By: Kelly Bondurant, Freelance Writer for Hire Under the leadership of CEO Paul Ross, the Henderson Family YMCA recently underwent a voluntary association audit and assessment aimed at uncovering ways the organization could better respond to the unique socio-economic challenges of the local community. The YMCA’s Membership Committee began reviewing membership structure and pricing last...
9 SVHS Students Earn Masonry/Carpentry Certifications
Congratulations to nine Southern Vance High School students who recently earned masonry/carpentry certifications. Each has earned his/her certification in Core Curriculum and Green Environment in masonry/carpentry under the direction of teacher Ben Arrington, according to a press release from Vance County Schools. They are shown in the accompanying photo and include, seated from left, Cody...
City of Oxford Commissioners Meeting Tues, Feb 13, 2018
The City of Oxford Commissioners meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2018. Please click here for the agenda. One of the items WIZS News will be following up on is agenda item number eight, unified development ordinance, and its local impact. In speaking with Mayor Jackie Sergent, she was not ready to offer full...
Two VGCC students are first apprentices in new HVAC partnership
— courtesy VGCC Two VGCC students are first apprentices in new HVAC partnership Jared Akers of Franklinton and Cyrus Jover of Henderson, both students in the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology program at Vance-Granville Community College, recently became the first participants in the college’s new apprenticeship partnership with Youngsville-based Frigi-Temp. The apprenticeship model involves...