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Free Workshop Aims To Promote Awareness About School/Work Accomodations
— WIZS has been asked to announce Are you struggling at school or work? Do you need extra support at school or work? On Saturday, April 7th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mission Legacy will host a public informational workshop. The workshop is called: Understanding School, College, and Work Accommodations. The workshop will provide information on...
Local Chambers Present Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon 4-25-18
— NEWS RELEASE FROM GRANVILLE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AREA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE HOSTING ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY LUNCHEON Allison S. Capps, Assistant District Attorney, 9th Prosecutorial District, Guest Presenter The Granville County Chamber of Commerce, together with Franklin, Warren and Vance Chambers, are, once again, sponsoring the annual Administrative Professionals Luncheon. This year’s event is...
Annual Relay for Life Survivor Dinner Set for Friday, April 20, 2018
By: Kelly Bondurant, Freelance Writer/Editor for Hire The 2018 Relay for Life Survivor Dinner will be held at South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church at 905 Americal Road in Henderson on Friday, April 20. The evening of dinner and entertainment is free of charge to the area’s cancer survivors and one family member of their choice...
Public Works Committee Meeting 4-3-18
— submitted by Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk The Henderson City Council’s Public Works Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 3, 2018, to discuss a possible stormwater ordinance and fee initiative, as well as budget discussions related to Public Works. This meeting will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the Large Conference Room at City...
District 9 Guardian Ad Litem Will Be Hosting A Showing of the Film Entitled “Resilence”
Be sure to listen to WIZS at 11 a.m. for Town Talk on Tuesday, April 3 as our guest Melanie Griggs will be live on the show with important information about Guardian Ad Litem in the four county area. The following information was distributed by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce. What: Film Screening and Discussion...
F-V-W Accepting Children for 2018-2019 Program Year
— submitted by Felicia C. Gregory, Interim CEO F-V-W The Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunity, Inc., Head Start is accepting children for the 2018-2019 Program Year for Franklin, Vance, Warren and Granville Counties. Children must be 3 years of age as of August 31, 2018. Parents of children with mental, physical or emotional impairments are encouraged to apply...