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Granville Revaluation Process Underway
Workers with the county’s contracted vendor for conducting the mandated tax revaluation process have started their field work and residents can expect to see clearly marked vehicles and employees identifying themselves for this specific purpose. The updated property tax values go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, and employees with Pearson’s Appraisal Service have begun...
RAM Clinic Helped 150 Clients At Recent Pop-Up Medical Clinic
The Duke Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic held recently in Henderson was a roaring success and organizers want to make the free pop-up medical clinic at least an annual event. According to follow-up information received from one of the Duke University students that helped organize the event held May 14-15 at Vance Charter School, the...
Drink To Your Health: The Story Of Mineral Springs
Nowadays, health professionals are quick to point out the importance of staying hydrated and drinking enough plain ol’ water as a key component of good health. A good rule of thumb is eight 8-ounce servings of water each day. But around the time of the Civil War to the turn of the 20th century...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 06-02-22 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 06-02-22 Noon ...
Contact Vance County Fire Department for Smoke Alarms #SmokeAlarmSaturday
WIZS has been asked to announce the Vance County Fire Department effort to team up with the NC Office of the State Fire Marshall to participate in #SmokeAlarmSaturday. It’s this Saturday, June 4th! According to the Vance County Fire Department Facebook page, which we were asked to share, “If you are in need of smoke...
Aaron Elliott Announced as the Vance County High School Head Football Coach
— press release courtesy of Vance County Schools Vance County Schools welcomes Jacob “Aaron” Elliott, a native of Vance County, as the Head Football Coach at Vance County High School. A graduate of Southern Vance High School, Elliott went on to attend Liberty University. He began his career in public safety, serving in both Emergency...
3 Charged In W. Andrews Ave. Gunfire Exchange
Three individuals are in custody in connection with the exchange of gunfire that occurred last weekend outside a West Andrews Avenue convenience store. According to Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow, Jordan Turnage, Charles Green and one juvenile all surrendered themselves to authorities. Turnage, 21, of Creedmoor, is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 06-01-22 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 06-01-22 Noon ...
TownTalk: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Is June 15
State law requires that residents report suspected cases of elder abuse to the local Department of Social Services. But what, exactly, constitutes elder abuse? Learn more about this subject on June 15 at the Vance County Senior Center. The Kerr-Tar Council of Government’s Agency on Aging is hosting an event to mark Elder Abuse Awareness...
Blackwell Named 2022 Mercy Award Winner
-information courtesy of Maria Parham Health Maria Parham Health’s Kelly Blackwell has been recognized as the facility’s 2022 Mercy Award winner. The Mercy Award recognizes one employee from each of LifePoint Health’s facilities who “profoundly touches the lives of others and best represents the spirit and values on which the company was founded,” according to a press statement...