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WIZS Radio Local News Audio 08-29-22 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 08-29-22 Noon ...
TownTalk: Blackmon And Ellington Attend Chamber Business Meeting
It’s a well-used analogy, but one appropriate for the situation that Henderson and the surrounding community finds itself in, according to City Manager Terrell Blackmon: The seeds for growth and improvement have been planted, and now the area is beginning to see those seeds sprout. But some onlookers may not be convinced until the flowers...
The Local Skinny! Ellington, City Leaders Assess Needs During Ride-Around
A contingent of city officials completed a ride-around through a couple of the city’s wards to view for themselves some of the concerns that residents have with the state of some properties in their neighborhoods. Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington told John C. Rose on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny! that he was among those...
2022-23 Theater Season Kicks Off Sept. 3 At Lakeland Cultural Arts Center In Littleton
The Lakeland Cultural Arts Center (LCAC) in Littleton will host a Welcome Back Open House on Saturday, Sept. 3 to kick off the 2022-23 Main Stage Series. The theater is located at 411 Mosby Ave. Visitors to the theater, which has undergone a recent renovation and expansion, can take a tour of the facility between 10...
Vote Daily To Keep Two Local Products In Running For “Coolest Thing Made In NC” Contest
Two Vance County businesses are in the running for a statewide honor, and voting is now underway to choose the “Coolest Thing Made in NC” by the N.C. Chamber of Commerce. Now it’s up to the community to vote via email to make sure the local businesses get to the next round. Henderson-Vance Chamber President...
Franklin, CenturyLink Continue Broadband Project To Unserved Areas
High-speed fiber internet will soon be available to almost 2,000 homes currently in unserved areas throughout Franklin County. Through a $3.9 million Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Grant, Lumen – the parent company of CenturyLink and Quantum Fiber – will be providing high-speed fiber internet to 1,978 homes across Franklin County. The...
Attention, Farm Families! Apply For A Chance To Be Featured During 2022 N.C. State Fair
– Information courtesy of N.C. State Press Office Has your farm family got what it takes to be one of the 11 families recognized this year at the N.C. State Fair as a Farm Family of the Day? If you are proud to be an N.C. farmer, work hard to contribute to the state’s...
Warren Senior Center Issues Coupons For Use At Local Farmers’ Market
The Warren County Senior Center and Warren County Cooperative Extension announce the launch of the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) for 2022. The SFMNP provides lower-income older adults with coupons to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables at their local farmers’ markets. The program’s dual goals are designed to improve the nutritional status of older...
Volunteers Needed For NC DOT Fall Litter Sweep
The N.C. Department of Transportation is looking for volunteers for the Adopt-A-Highway Fall Litter Sweep, which runs Sept. 10 – 24. Each April and September, the department calls on volunteers to help remove litter from roadsides. Volunteers from local businesses, schools, non-profits, churches and community groups play an important role in keeping North Carolina’s roads...
LEAP Grants Totaling $20K Awarded During Tuesday Teacher Convocation
Information courtesy of Aarika Sandlin, VCS Director of Communication & Marketing The Vance County Public School Foundation (VCPSF) awarded eleven Vance County School teachers with Learning that Extends Actual Performance (LEAP) mini-grants at the 2022-23 convocation on Aug. 23 at McGregor Hall. A total of $20,000 was awarded, made possible through the VCPSF and a...