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The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville Tungsten Mine
CLICK PLAY! WIZS Radio · The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville Tungsten Mine ...
TownTalk: Signs of Positive Growth
King’s Daughters Park is not the largest park in the area, and it doesn’t have all the amenities as other recreation areas, but what it does have is what is known in the real estate world as a critical asset: Location, location, location. City officials are looking at ways to increase the park’s boundaries as...
Law Enforcement Officers Training Teaches How To De-Escalate, Defuse Situations For Safety
The ongoing training that law enforcement officers participate in helps them evaluate situations and when they should use strategies that will reduce the need for force and to keep a situation from getting out of hand. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the N.C. Justice Academy have provided day-long de-escalation, use of force and community engagement...
COVID-19, Flu, RSV: “Triple-Demic” Can Alter Family Gatherings
Vance and Granville counties continue to be in the low transmission category for COVID-19, but trends are ticking upward in the weeks following Thanksgiving and heading into Christmas. Some families are having to cancel plans to gather because someone in the group has tested positive for COVID-19, and others are choosing to postpone their celebrations...
Warren Extension Hosts Jan. 28 Equine Clinic For Coggins, Vaccines
Warren County Extension will sponsor an equine Coggins and vaccine clinic on Saturday, Ja. 28, 2023. Horse owners can save a farm visit fee by bringing trailering their animals to the clinic, which will take place at the extension service office, 158 Rafters Lane, Warrenton between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Dr. Oberlin McDaniel with...
Granville Residents Asked To Weigh In On Ways To Combat Opioid Crisis
The Granville County Opioid Advisory Committee wants to hear from county residents to help determine strategies to combat the opioid crisis locally. As a participant in litigation against large manufacturers and distributors of opioids, Granville County is getting funding from the multi-billion dollar settlement agreement. “Please take a few minutes to fill out this short...
Franklin County Native Returns To Lead Library System
Franklin County has selected Michelle Hildreth to be the county’s library director. Hildreth, who brings more than 15 years of library management experience, will begin the job on Jan. 9, 2023. “A dynamic library adds value to the community it serves and enhances the lives of its community members,” Hildreth said. “I am excited about...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 12-22-22 Noon
Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs. Click Play! WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 12-22-22 Noon ...
The Local Skinny! City Council Renames Street For Eddie Hicks
It won’t quite be the same as having him there in person, but Melissa Elliott says she’ll be glad when she can look out her window at Gang Free, Inc. and see the street sign that proclaims the street nearby as “Eddie James Hicks Street.” The Henderson City Council voted to rename E. Winder Street...
The Local Skinny! Gang Free Inc. Year In Review
In the nonprofit world, so much emphasis is placed on the good that organizations do throughout the year. And that certainly is the case for Gang Free, Inc. From the thousands and thousands of pounds of food that have been distributed to more than 34,000 people in need, founder and president Melissa Elliott is not...