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VGCC Welcomes New VP Of Learning, Student Engagement And Success
-information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel Vance-Granville Community College’s new vice president of Learning, Student Engagement and Success will start her new job next week. Dr. Kim Sepich has been named to the position, and said she pleased to be a part of VGCC. “I am incredibly excited about serving Vance-Granville Community...
SportsTalk: Thorpe Surpasses The 1000 Points Mark
One thousand points is a lot in the game of basketball and to achieve that level is a significant accomplishment, one that Israel Thorpe should be proud of. The senior Crossroads Christian point guard has now done that but she wasn’t aware of the milestone until her coach, Cammy Simmons, called a time out after...
American Legion Post 60 Celebrates 100 Years Of Service To Veterans, Community
The Henderson American Legion Post 60 is celebrating a century of service to the area. Post 60 Commander Ted Grissom reminds members of the program that is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 25, beginning at 6 p.m. In addition to local post leaders, American Legion division commanders, vice-commanders and other district, state and local dignitaries are...
SportsTalk: Israel Terry And Chris Jones Sign Letters Of Intent
Vance County High School had a very successful 2022 football campaign making it into the state playoff and two of the reasons why are senior wide receiver Israel Terry and defensive star Chris Jones. Both young men have signed letters of intent to play college ball, Terry at Winston-Salem State and Jones with Barton in...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 02-16-23 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 02-16-23 Noon ...
The Local Skinny! Recreation And Parks Dept. Gears Up For Spring
The Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Departments has a long list of sports programs that are gearing up for spring and beyond. Jamal Williams spoke with WIZS’s Bill Harris Thursday on The Local Skinny! to run down just a few of the opportunities for children from 4 years all the way through high school. Basketball tryouts...
TownTalk: Katie Haynes: 2022 Miss U.S. Agriculture People’s Choice
Growing up in 4-H, Katie Haynes said, she got interested in showing rabbits, something she’s been doing now for 11 years now and still enjoys it. “4-H really helped boost my public speaking skills and confidence levels,” Haynes said. She’s likely going to continue using those skills and more as she travels to Alabama this...
SportsTalk: Remembering ECU Broadcaster Jeff Charles
SportsTalk: WIZS and Bill Dinicola remember Jeff Charles. Click Play WIZS Radio · SportsTalk: Remembering ECU Broadcaster Jeff Charles ...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 02-15-23 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 02-15-23 Noon ...
TownTalk: Corbitt Preservation Reissues Book In Digital Form
By all accounts, Richard Johnson Corbitt was an excellent businessman and a person of high character, but he probably wouldn’t have believed that anyone who said that someone in the future would be able to put an entire book inside a piece of plastic smaller than a pack of chewing gum. Corbitt’s company operated right...