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TownTalk: Around Old Granville: The History Of Area Newspapers
It wasn’t that long ago that people had to wait until the local daily or weekly hit the front stoop, sidewalk or mailbox to get the latest news and information. In today’s world of breaking news reports and computers that, with a few keystrokes, pull up news from across the globe, the physical newspaper has...
NC MedAssist Has $55,000 Goal To Provide Inhalers To Patients
Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. The average person takes between 12 and 20 breaths each minute, which adds up to about 22,000 each day. This simple, but essential, action goes unnoticed by so many, until there’s a problem. Like asthma. Asthma is a condition that makes that simple, but essential, action more difficult for 670,000 North Carolinians...
VGCC Foundation Scholarship Priority Deadline May 31
-information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel Scholarships offered through the Vance-Granville Community College Foundation for the 2023 Fall Academic Year are open for applicants. The priority deadline for full scholarship consideration for Fall 2023 is May 31, according to VGCC officials. “We know our students are often already working, raising families, and...
Area Chambers Name Winners Of 2022 Small Business Of The Year At May 3 Luncheon
Four local Chambers of Commerce announced the 2022 Small Business of the Year winners at a luncheon in Henderson Wednesday. Vance County Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson presented Kilian Engineering with the award. What Michael Kilian began in 2001 with one employee has grown to five offices in Henderson and surrounding areas, Wilkerson said. The firm...
Kerr-Tar COG Gets $200,000 To Promote Safety, Reduce Traffic And More Around School Areas
-information courtesy of Kerr-Tar COG and NC DOT The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments is among a dozen recipients who will share $3 million in grant funding for educational programs as part of the Safe Routes to School program. KTCOG will get $160,000 in federal funds, with an additional $40,000 in local matches for a...
TownTalk: What’s Happening In May In Granville County
If the phrase “a rolling stone gathers no moss” applied to a geographic entity, then Granville County would be that moss-less stone. The array of activities is dizzying, and Tourism Director Angela Allen shared just a glimpse into what’s in store for May on Wednesday’s TownTalk with WIZS’s Bill Harris. First up is Quittin’...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 05-03-23 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 05-03-23 Noon ...
The Local Skinny! Shriner’s Fish Fry Is Scheduled For May 17th
The Tri-County Shriner’s Fish Fry is on again for its traditional third Wednesday in May and area Shriners are gearing up for another long, but productive day, with delicious results for its patrons. Plates are $10 each – take-out only – and sales will begin at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17, said chairman Vernon...
3 Warren Leaders Complete Rural Center’s “Homegrown” Program
Three Warren County leaders – Demetrius Hunter, Crystal Smith, and Rose Ponton – all recently graduated from the N.C. Rural Center’s Homegrown Leaders program. This three-day regional leadership and economic development program develops and supports highly motivated local leaders committed to regional collaboration. “This experience has really underscored the importance of authentic storytelling and engaged...
Warren Library Has Inflatable Planetarium On Site For Kids Of All Ages To Enjoy
-Information courtesy of Warren County Warren County Memorial Library is hosting the StarLab mobile planetarium during the months of May and June. StarLab is an inflatable, portable planetarium that uses a projector to display images on the inside of the dome. It is used as an interactive tool geared towards astronomy and produces a real-life...