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TownTalk: Short To Retire As Director Of Emergency Operations
Brian Short, director of Vance County emergency operations, is retiring at the end of May. But you won’t find him on the golf course or puttering around in the yard for very long – he’ll begin a new state job just four days after he turns over his local duties to Vivian Lassiter, who will...
FarmsSHARE Program Connects Small Farmers, Local Residents With Fresh, Healthy Foods
FarmsSHARE is a program that was started in 2020 by Carolina Farm Stewardship Association as a response to COVID-19. And now, almost three years later, federal and state agriculture officials have funded the program to keep it going – and even expanding its reach to help underserved communities increase its access to fresh, local-grown foods...
Upcoming Blood Drives In The Area
May is Trauma Awareness Month, and American Red Cross encourages individuals to sign up to give blood at upcoming local drives as a way to help in situations where every second counts. Blood products – blood, plasma and platelets – can provide lifesaving care, but hospitals often struggle to keep sufficient supplies on hand. Did...
TownTalk: Kerr Lake Regional Water Systems Keeps The Water Flowing
A recent groundbreaking ceremony at the city’s water treatment facility is a tangible indication that all the t’s have been crossed and the I’s dotted to set in motion an expansion project that will, once completed, double the facility’s output to as much as 20 million gallons of water a day. This is good news...
WIZS Radio Local News Audio 05-10-23 Noon
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM WIZS Radio · WIZS Radio Local News Audio 05-10-23 Noon ...
VCS hosts Young Women’s Empowerment Conference
-information courtesy of Brielle Barrow, VCS communication coordinator A group of business leaders and professionals joined forces to share their knowledge, expertise and paths to success recently for the first Young Women’s Empowerment Conference sponsored by Vance County Schools. The conference was designed “to inspire and empower middle and high school students to be their...
Granville Native Named Forestry Scholarship Winner
A Granville County native has received the 2023 Nicholas M. Curtis Memorial Scholarship Endowment by the North Carolina Forestry Association. Cameron Carter will receive the $2,000 scholarship, established in memory of Curtis, whose commitment to sustainable foresty was matched only by his desire to help others. In a press release issued by his office, N.C...
Granville Plans May 15 Public Hearing To Review Proposed 2023-24 Budget
The Granville County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing on May 15 to discuss the proposed 2023-24 budget. County Manager Drew Cummings presented his first budget during the commissioners’ May 1 meeting, which calls for an extra $1 million to Granville County Public Schools, cost of living adjustments for county employees, all with...
TownTalk: Henderson City Council’s Fire Department Update
The Henderson Fire Department enjoys a rating that puts it among an elite group of fire departments across the country, and Acting Fire Chief Curtis Tyndall said he was proud to present information about how the department measures up to industry standards during Monday’s City Council meeting. Tyndall thanked the city for helping the fire...
The Local Skinny! Upcoming Children’s Programs At Perry Library
Summer is just around the corner, and Perry Memorial Library staff is planning a host of programs to keep youngsters occupied while they’re enjoying their time away from school. Youth Services Director Melody Peters said the library will be a cool spot to visit over the summer, and not just for the air...