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Vance Criminal Superior Trial Court
Henderson, NC – Criminal Superior Trial Court was held during the week of February 8, 2016, in Vance County. The following cases were disposed of by plea agreement: Antonio Crudup plead to one count of Felony Possession of Marijuana, as a result of the September 10, 2014 service of a search warrant by officers of the Henderson...
West End Community Watch Meeting Recap
On Tuesday evening at the West End Baptist Church the West End Community Watch Group met at 6:30 p.m. to receive updates from Henderson Police Officers and to partake in a Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers presentation. Henderson Police Officers addressed several issues in the West End Community such as speeding and litter along the roadways. If...
Early College Applications
Vance County Schools is now accepting applications for rising ninth graders to enroll in the Vance County Early College High School for the 2016-2017 school year. Applications can be picked up from counselors at Eaton-Johnson Middle School, Henderson Middle School and the STEM Early High School, as well as on the Early College website and...