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Hurricane Preparedness 2016
Note: You can always return to this article by entering Hurricane Preparedness in the search box. Information provided by Brian Short, Director – Vance County Emergency Operations. “The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season is about to begin. Are you prepared?” The Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1st of each year and ends on November...
VGCC honors Radiography graduates
Twenty-one new graduates of Vance-Granville Community College’s two-year Radiography program were honored in a May 9 pinning ceremony in the college’s Civic Center. Members of the 2016 Radiography graduating class at Vance-Granville Community College who received their pins May 9 included, on first (front) row, from left: Jessica Lynn Loera, Elizabeth Nichole Cooper, K...
HPD Gattis Press Release
On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, Geoffrey Gattis, 22, was served with a true bill of indictment returned by a federal grand jury. Gattis was taken in to custody at the Vance County Jail where he was being held on state charges. Gattis was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. Gattis...
School Entry Controls at Six Pilot Schools
Starting this past Monday, May 16, six Vance County Public Schools initiated a pilot program for building access. The new Access Control System in place requires all visitors during the school day to identify themselves before being allowed into the school. The schools include: Aycock, New Hope, L.B. Yancey, Henderson Middle, STEM Early High and...
53rd Annual Henderson Shrine Fish Fry
The local Henderson Shrine Club is raising money for Shriners Hospitals for Children today. This is the 53rd straight year for the event. Most important on the minds of the many Shriners and citizens interviews during “TownTalk” today is helping a crippled or burned child at one of the 22 Shriners Hospitals. Second, but equally important...