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Community Partners of Hope Volunteers Needed
Good things are happening for the Community Partners of Hope Men’s shelter, but your help is still needed. Volunteer supervisors, meals, computer support, and donations are all needed. Also, Kaine Riggan of the Downtown Development Commission is searching Henderson for an appropriate place for CPOH long term needs. If you have suggestions, contact him at...
HFD Hosts Child Safety Seat Class
If you noticed a lot of extra cars near the Henderson Fire Department, Central Station 1 on Dabney Drive today, it’s because they were hosting a child safety seat class. Chief Steve Cordell of the City of Henderson Fire Department told WIZS News, “The class is being taught by the North Carolina Safe Kids organization. ...
Jobs and Not Guns Forum
Representative Terry E. Garrison, House District 32 which covers Vance and Warren Counties and portions of northern Granville County for the North Carolina General Assembly, is sponsoring a public forum here in Henderson along with State Senator Angela Bryant. WIZS TownTalk will interview Garrison about the forum on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. on 1450 AM...
DA to Settle Compliance Issues Only Outside of Court
— courtesy of District Attorney Mike Waters Information is also available on District Attorney – 9th Prosecutorial District Facebook Page Beginning December 1, 2017, the District Attorney’s Office will begin addressing compliance issues only outside of Court. On Thursday afternoons, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm, in each of the four counties, you may bring proof...
Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee Meeting Dec. 6
The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. in the Large Conference Room, 134 Rose Avenue. The purpose of this meeting is to consider accepting a donation of land, bids for Abagayle’s Books building, and the status of the Henderson Laundry and the First National Bank...
Great Season for South Granville Football
— by Jeff Jenkins, WIZS The 2017 football season ended for the Northern Carolina Conference last Friday night with South Granville’s only loss of the season — a 35-19 disappointment to North Davidson in the 3rd round of the 2AA East playoffs. The number 3 seeded Vikings had successfully continued their bulldozing running attack into...
City to Temporarily Close Marsha Ave. for Resurfacing
— courtesy City of Henderson A City of Henderson Engineering Department memo sent to WIZS News states the following: The City of Henderson has contracted with Carolina Sunrock to perform much needed street resurfacing throughout the City and Marsha Avenue from Fairway Drive to Cameron Drive is on the list. Due to the severity of...