Multiple Projects on the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Director’s Plate

By: Kelly Bondurant, Freelance Writer for Hire

Demolition, banners and a full-time contract were just a few of the items Downtown Development Director Kaine Riggan presented to the Vance County Board of Commissioners at Monday night’s meeting.

As Riggan stated during Wednesday’s WIZS TownTalk segment, he reminded the commissioners what a resource the Downtown Development Commission (DDC) is to both the City of Henderson and Vance County and updated them on current and upcoming DDC projects.

Downtown Parking Lot

The demolition of the former Abagayle’s Book Store building has left a space that, along with the potential clearing of a vacant lot and adjacent two-story building, could create room for a parking lot. Located across the street from the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, this lot could provide additional parking for downtown patrons.


In the past fiscal year, the Vance County Community Foundation awarded the DDC a grant of approximately $1,800 to improve the appearance of the downtown area. According to Riggan, while the grant was originally earmarked for new light pole banners to decorate Garnett Street, the reactions from the community were less than enthused about the prospect.

The positive community reaction from the large banner placed over the vacant Abagayle’s building before demolition led the DDC to request that commissioners allow a modification of the grant money for additional downtown window signage.

Riggan has big plans for the first banner location. “The banners will be used to add a little life. I’m getting permission one by one to do more signage. The first one [banner storefront location] is one owned by the Embassy Cultural Center Foundation,” said Riggan.

The first banner, located at 113 N. Garnett Street, will feature the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center located at 201 Breckenridge Street in Henderson. According to Riggan, the current plan is to hold a photo shoot with Daniel Hendley Photography to capture local images and local people for this banner project.

“The curb appeal, the drive-by of it-you want it to appear lively and vibrant,” Riggan said.

Downtown Associate Community/NC Main Street Program

While Downtown Henderson is currently considered a downtown associate community, the DDC’s goal is to become a part of the NC Main Street Center once again. The Downtown Associate Community Program is an initiative of the NC Main Street Center and is the process through which NC communities become affiliated with the NC Main Street Center to receive additional downtown revitalization resources.

“Being a downtown associate community is like an internship into being a main street community, which is a 2-3 year process. Being a main street community opens you up to new grant opportunities,” Riggan explained. Riggan stated that downtown was formerly a main street community, but unfortunately lost that distinction and is currently hard at work to get back to that level of support and grant opportunities.

Part-Time to Full-Time

Part of Riggan’s presentation to the Board of Commissioners addressed the need to move the downtown development director’s contract from part-time to full-time. Riggan stressed that making his contract full-time could potentially shorten the process of transitioning to a main street community from three years to two years.

Future Goals

Another area of interest of the DDC is taking advantage of historic tax credits and low income tax credits to encourage more people to live in the downtown area. Riggan sees great potential in the upstairs space of some of the downtown businesses and is impressed by the living spaces that already exist in the area.


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