Maria Parham Offers Program To Raise Awareness of Colorectal Cancer

Maria Parham Health will host a Lunch and Learn program on Thursday, Mar. 21 to talk about colorectal cancer early detection and prevention. Seats are still available for this event; register online at MariaParham.com or by calling 252.436.1605. The program will be from 12 noon to 1 p.m. and will be held in the classroom of the hospital, located at 566 Ruin Creek Rd.

According to information from the American College of Radiology, colorectal cancer is now the leading cancer killer in men under 50 and the second leading cause of cancer death for women under 50.

African Americans are also the most likely to die from this terrible disease.

But colorectal cancer is nearly always treatable if caught early and can even be prevented through timely screening. It is recommended that you should talk to your doctor about colorectal screening beginning at age 45.

“We are committed to raising awareness about colorectal cancer and providing our community with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health,” said Kimberly Smith, Director of the Maria Parham Cancer Center.

“Through events like this, we hope to highlight the importance of early detection and screening in preventing colorectal cancer, ultimately saving lives,”Smith said.

Federal law requires private insurers to cover not only colonoscopy – but also virtual colonoscopy and other less-invasive screening options at no cost to patients.

A virtual colonoscopy is an American Cancer Society-recommended screening exam to be done every five years for those at average risk. The virtual exam may also be an option for those at increased risk who can’t physically tolerate a colonoscopy. The more people are aware of virtual colonoscopy as an option, the more people choose to be screened, and the more lives will be saved.

The Lunch and Learn Event will feature board-certified gastroenterologist Varnita Tahiliani, MD, who will discuss various aspects of colorectal cancer, including risk factors, symptoms, screening options, treatment modalities, and lifestyle modifications for prevention. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with healthcare professionals in an interactive setting.

Lunch will be provided. Due to space restrictions, registrations will be limited to the first 30 attendees that register.

For more information about the Colorectal Cancer Awareness Lunch and Learn Event, please visit www.MariaParham.com.

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