Local Chambers Promote Small Business; Looking Biz of Year!

Nominations are being accepted at local Chambers of Commerce for the 2020 Small Business of the Year.

Henderson-Vance Chamber President Michele Burgess noted several criteria for companies who are nominated. Anyone can nominate a company for consideration, and companies may self-nominate, she said.

All nominated companies must submit a written application to the Chamber office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 16, 2021.

The deadline is Monday, April 12 to submit written applications to the Granville Chamber in Oxford, according to a written statement from that Chamber’s Small Business Committee.

Both chambers use the following criteria for a small business to be nominated:

In addition to the above criteria, the Granville Chamber lists two more criteria for consideration:

All applications are confidential.

Email michele@hendersonvance.org or call the H-V Chamber at 252.438.8414 to learn more and to request an application. Copies also are available at the Chamber office, 414 S. Garnett St., open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For more information about the Granville application, email wanda@granville-chamber.com or call the Oxford office 919.693.6125. Copies of the application are also available for pickup at the Oxford office, located at 124 Hillsboro St.

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