Little Hotel Fire Displaces 34 Residents

For the second straight nationally observed holiday here in the United States, the local Henderson community has been marked by fire.

Mid-morning today, The Little Hotel on Garnett Street, which provides rented apartments to its residents now, suffered heavy smoke and water damage due to an electrical fire in a room on the first floor.  Thirty four residents are temporarily displaced.

Just over a month ago on Memorial Day, the ETC manufacturing facility, which produced cleaning supplies, burned for the second time in 13 years, and the family has announced publicly now that the facility will not be rebuilt as it was previously.

Fortunately neither fire resulted in any injuries.

Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell told WIZS News his department received the fire alarm to The Little Hotel this morning about 8:30.  He said firefighters were advised in route that an occupant said the fire was on the second floor.  Cordell said, “On our arrival, we found light smoke coming from the second floor.  Upon our investigation, we found a room and contents fire on the first floor.”

He said the fire was quickly extinguished.

When asked why the fire started, Cordell said, “The fire started from an overloaded electrical socket.”

The 34 occupants are being assisted by local emergency management, according to Cordell.  He said, “They are going to be sheltered at New Sandy Creek Baptist Church by The Red Cross.  The Red Cross is coming in and setting up a food shelter and a housing shelter for them.”

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