Henderson City Council to Consider Adopting FY 19-20 Budget – June 10

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-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold their regular meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-22, Adoption of the FY 19-20 Budget and FY 19-20 Annual Fee Schedule.

Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 19-22, Authorizing Execution of Change Order #1 with H.G. Reynolds Company, Inc., on the Young Avenue Asbestos Cement (AC) Waterline Replacement Project Contingent Upon NCDEQ Division of Water Infrastructure’s Approval; and 2) Ordinance 19-27, FY19 BA #36, Amending the Budget to Allow Contingency Funds Within the Project to be Utilized.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-18, Amending Chapter 13, Section 13-1 Henderson City Code Regarding Limitations on Providing Fire and Rescue Protection.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-23, Providing for the Disposition of Jointly Held Properties by the City and County Identified as 803-809 N. Garnett Street, Further Identified in Vance County Register of Deeds Book #1294, Page #811: Tax Parcel #0075 03031; and 719 N. Garnett Street, Further Identified in Vance County Register of Deeds Book 1278, Page #888: Tax Parcel #0075 03005; and 435 N. Chestnut Street, Further Identified in Vance County Register of Deeds Book #1349, Page #0334: Tax Parcel #0098 07016.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-24, City of Henderson Supporting North Carolina DHHS Headquarters Relocation to Granville County and Specifically the Triangle-North Granville Site.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-23, FY 19 BA #31, Authorizing the Close Out of the Elmwood Sanitary Sewer Outfall CIP Project Budget.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-24, FY 19 BA #33, Authorizing the Close Out of the Bearpond (ROBCO) Water and Sewer Extension Improvement Project.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-25, FY 19 BA #35, Authorizing the Close Out of the Henderson Vance Industrial Park Water and Sewer Project.

Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-26, FY 19 BA #34, Authorizing the Closeout of the Ross Mill Road Water Line Extension Project.

Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of April 2019.


a) Consideration of Ordinance 19-21, Amending Zoning Ordinance Article 300B, District Regulations, Section 301B4, Retail Business (B-1, B-2, B-2A, B-3 and B-4).

b) Beckford Drive Widening Project.

c) Redevelopment Update.

Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

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