From Covid Ashes Rises a Phoenix of Brotherly Love and Support

Sheriff Curtis Brame

— submitted by Sheriff Curtis Brame

If anything positive can be said about COVID in Vance and the surrounding counties, it is how this pandemic has brought groups of people together and true brotherhood has come shining through. Henderson lost two beloved officers due to complications from COVID. Captain Mike Davis of the Henderson Police Department lost his fight in June 2020 and Master Trooper Brent Montgomery of the North Carolina Highway Patrol succumbed just a few weeks ago. Captain Davis, 67, left behind his wife, a son, his mother, a sister and two brothers. Trooper Montgomery, 50, left behind his wife, a daughter, two sons, his parents and two brothers. The two men served their communities unselfishly for a combined 50+ years.

First Responders, past and present, representing various local fire, law enforcement, EMS and volunteer agencies have united and teamed up with the Tri-County Shrine Club, formerly known as the Henderson Shrine Club, and several others representing local organizations to support the families of their fallen fellow First Responder brothers.

The group is planning a 3,000 plate BBQ chicken plate fund raising benefit. The event is set for Friday, April 30 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the physical location of the Tri-County Shrine Club, 210 Industry Drive in Henderson. This is an advance ticket, takeout only, event with all proceeds going to the Davis and Montgomery families. All donations and support will greatly be appreciated.

For a $10 donation your ticket will get you a plate with a grilled BBQ chicken half including 2 sides, bread and a dessert. Places with 10 or more ticket purchases can arrange to have their plates delivered to that location. Call 252-432-7286.

Tickets can be purchased at the following Henderson/Vance County and surrounding area ticket outlets:
1. Davis Royster Funeral Home
2. J. M. White Funeral Home
3. Sossamon Funeral Home
4. Skipper Forsyth’s Bar-B-Q
5. Sherman and Boddie Trucking
6. Granville Barber Shop – Oxford
7. Grissom Fertilizer – Gillburg
8. Cross Creek Outdoor Supplies
9. Boyd Automotive – Oxford
10. Kittrell Grocery
11. Eastside Barber Shop
12. Hwy 39 Restaurant

The Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office also have tickets on hand.

There is talk of this being the first and perhaps the start of this brotherhood group and community taking care of and supporting area First Responders and their families. This group’s conception is a phoenix arising from the ashes of COVID.

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