Franklin County Extension Hosts Oct. 11 Forestry Mill Tour

NC Coop Extension

Join the Franklin County Cooperative Extension on a Forestry Mill tour coming up in Louisburg,

Tickets are $15 for the Friday, Oct. 11 halfday event and will include tours of Toney Lumber Co. and Smokehouse Lumber Co./Louisburg Hardwoods.

The tour begins at 8 a.m. at Franklin Plaza, 279 S. Bickett Blvd. and is scheduled to end by 1 p.m.

Register at https://go.ncsu.edu/franklin-forestry-mill-tour. The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 7 at 5 p.m.

Two vans will provide transportation to the locations. Participants will willable to get 22 hours of Cat 1 CFE credits.

For more information, contact the Franklin County Extension office at 919.496.3344 or Extension Agent Matthew Place at matthew_place@ncsu.edu.


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