Dabney Dr. Surveying Project to Last Several Months, Help Solve Traffic Woes

-Information and photo courtesy the Citizens Aligned to Take Back Henderson, NC’s Facebook page

We are all too familiar with the traffic problems on Dabney Drive in Henderson. Thankfully, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has started the process of addressing this problem.

Have you noticed the surveying that has taken place in recent weeks? This is just the beginning of the process. Representatives from the NCDOT, including engineers, surveyors, and geologists as well as representatives from other state and federal agencies will be working in the area for the next several months. They will be collecting preliminary data for an environmental study for the project on SR 1162 (Dabney Drive) from Coble Blvd. to US 158 Business.

Can traffic problems be solved? Of course they can, and this is done every day. Like Dabney Drive, Ruin Creek Road also handles a large amount of traffic but without the problems.

The traffic on I-85 is expected to increase drastically over the next decade and so will the traffic on Dabney Drive. This can be viewed as a negative or as an opportunity. With the right long term plan and investment, it can undoubtedly be a great opportunity for Henderson.

Naysayers will say “this can’t work and it’s a waste of money” but that’s just what naysayers do. In reality, millions of tax dollars are going to be spent on infrastructure in the City of Henderson that will promote investment and make life in our city better.

Citizens Aligned to Take Back Henderson, NC sees this as a positive.

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