Vance-Granville Community Band to present free holiday concert on Dec. 3

The Vance-Granville Community Band will perform its eighth annual Christmas Concert, entitled “Making Spirits Bright,” on Thursday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. in the Civic Center on VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County. Admission is free and the public is invited.

The band has prepared a program featuring a variety of holiday-themed favorites, including “All I Want for Christmas is You,” “A Holst Christmas,” a march called “Christmas Joy,” “The Bells of Saint Mary,” “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” a sing-a-long of popular Christmas songs, and “May the Good Lord Keep and Bless You.”

The concert will also feature students in the VGCC Music Scholars program: Shontiara Williams of Oxford (on vocals and piano), Kaleb Williamson of Bullock (guitar), Tiffany Barnes of Henderson (vocals) and Charles Keith of Raleigh (bass).

VGCC music instructor Ivory Brock is the band’s primary conductor. Also conducting for a portion of the concert will be Brian Miller, the recently-retired band director at Louisburg High School.

First formed in 2008, the all-volunteer Community Band has included VGCC students, local high school students, educators, and interested citizens from all four counties of the college’s service area (Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin) and beyond. For more information, call Ivory Brock at (252) 738-3222.

VGCC Vanguards lose three, look to bounce back in Vanguard Night rivalry game

The Vance-Granville Community College Vanguards men’s basketball team came up short in three recent games, all by margins of 10 or fewer points.

Traveling to Laurinburg to take on the St. Andrews University JV squad on Nov. 16, the Vanguards lost 76-71. Raekwon Hall of Raleigh led VGCC in scoring, putting up 27 points along with 4 rebounds. Ty’Quon Reid of Durham had an impressive performance, as well, with 22 points, 4 assists, 2 steals and 2 rebounds. With 13 points, Alcyone Moore of Charlotte was the only other Vanguard scoring in double figures.

VGCC returned home to face a conference opponent, the Patriots from Patrick Henry Community College, on Nov. 18. Despite making a strong comeback in the second half, VGCC fell 68-64 to PHCC, a team that has had only one loss this season. This time, Chris Pernell of Raleigh was the top scorer for the Vanguards, with 23 points. Reid had 18 points, while Hall contributed 13 points. Donal Gooch of Raleigh had the most rebounds (5), steals (4) and blocks (3).

Back on the road, the Vanguards suffered a non-conference loss to Central Carolina Community College, 83-73, on Nov. 22. The game was played at the “Region X Blast-Off” tournament at Sandhills Community College. Hall again led the Vanguards with 27 points, while also making 5 steals, 3 assists and 3 rebounds. Reid put 13 points on the board and contributed 5 assists. Gooch led in rebounding, with 6, and scored 10 points. After being sidelined by an injury, Tyrek Beverly of Oxford made his first appearance of the season for VGCC, putting up 8 points.

After the 2-5 Vanguards travel to play the reigning national champions, Richard Bland College, on Nov. 24, they will come home to play nationally-ranked Louisburg College on Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 6:30 p.m. The annual rivalry game known as “Vanguard Night” will take place at Aycock Recreation Center (307 Carey Chapel Road) in Henderson, and admission is free. Vanguard Night festivities will include a performance from VGCC’s “Vanguard Spirit” Pep Squad, a DJ and prize drawings.

Winter Weather Preparation

Winter Weather Safety

Winter Weather Safety – Spanish

Carbon Monoxide Safety

Pet Safety

Winter Driving Tips


Vance County Emergency Operations Urges Residents to Take Steps to Prepare for Winter Weather

HENDERSON – As part of Winter Weather Awareness Week, November 29 through December 5, Vance County Emergency Operations Director Brian K. Short urges residents to update their emergency plans and to stock their emergency supply kits.

Vance County, like much of North Carolina, has encountered unpredictable winter weather during recent years.

Just this year, North Carolina dealt with back-to-back snow and ice storms that downed trees and power lines, closed schools, and caused numerous traffic accidents. Our state also has seen heavy winter rains, flooding and even tornadoes. Earlier this year in Vance County there were several winter weather related incidents that caused traffic problems, traffic accidents, property damage, closed schools and forced County offices and some businesses to close. Let us also not forget in years past a 100 year snow storm event as well as a 50 year ice storm event that left virtually all of Vance County without power for well over a week in some places.

With the National Weather Service predicting an above-normal chance of precipitation – either rain, snow or ice – Vance County Emergency Operations officials want residents to plan now for winter weather conditions.

“Winter storms are actually very deceptive as they can create conditions that lead to dangerous and deadly situations,” said Brian K. Short, Vance County Emergency Operations Director. “Most deaths are unrelated to the actual storm. Instead, people die in traffic accidents on icy roads or of hypothermia from lengthy exposure to cold.” Short added that deaths and injuries related to winter weather can be prevented. “I urge residents to take four simple steps to get ready for an emergency,” he said. “Have a plan, practice it, have an emergency supplies kit and stay informed about weather and traffic conditions to help keep your family safe this winter.”

Four Simple Steps

The first step is to write a plan, which should be a thought-out list of whom to call, where to meet and any special considerations that may need to be addressed. Once you have a plan in place, be sure to discuss it with your family and then practice it! “A plan is worthless unless you practice it,” Short said. “What’s the point of writing down how you will contact each other if you do not in fact test it out to see if it works? As with any activity, practice makes perfect and in this case, practice can save lives.”

Once a plan is in place, build an emergency supplies kit for your home and your car. Besides the standard items – non-perishable food and water for each person for three to seven days, medications, and important papers – you should also include rock salt, sand, snow shovels, extra warm clothes and blankets. Ensure a flash light, battery operated radio, extra batteries, and a first-aid kit are on hand.

Finally, pay attention to the weather forecast and stay informed about potential storms. All residents need to monitor changing weather conditions by listening carefully to their National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio, local radio and television stations for storm watches or warnings. Real time traffic and weather conditions can also be found on the state’s free ReadyNC mobile app.

Winter Preparations

During the cold winter months, carbon monoxide poisoning can occur from improper heating. The colorless, odorless carbon monoxide gas can be deadly and is produced from fuel-burning appliances, generators and heaters. Without proper ventilation, carbon monoxide fumes can accumulate causing headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. While preparing for winter weather, remember to always keep charcoal grills and portable camping equipment outdoors. Installing a carbon monoxide alarm on each level of your home, near sleeping areas is recommended. Also, restock your camping supplies and check here to find new upgraded gear. Remember to check the batteries regularly.

To prepare your home for winter weather, check in and around your home and add insulation to walls and attics if it is needed. Caulk and weather-strip doors and windows and insulate water pipes to keep them from freezing. Also, keep an adequate supply of heating fuel on hand. Remember to keep generators away from the home. Never run a generator in the garage or other enclosed area.

Drive Safely, Use Caution

Snow and ice can cause hazardous driving conditions which lead to massive traffic delays. “Keep in mind that road conditions can quickly change. When driving in winter weather, remember to reduce your speed and leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles.” Brian Short said.

Other winter driving tips to remember are:

  • Approach bridges and overpasses with caution since they often become icy prior to roadways. Do not push your breaks while on a bridge.
  • If you begin to slide, take your foot off the gas and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide. Do not push the brakes.
  • If you need to pull off the highway, set your directional lights to “flashing.”
  • Do not go out on foot unless you see a building nearby to take shelter.
  • If running the engine to keep warm, crack the window open to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Never let everyone in the car sleep at once. One person should stay awake to watch for rescue crews. Tie a colored cloth to the antenna or door to make yourself visible.

“Weather conditions can rapidly deteriorate, so it’s important to keep calm and think clearly about what to do,” Short said. For more information about how you and your family can prepare for adverse weather, visit the, Website.
Short also reminds residents to practice the following winter safety tips:

  • Keep alternative heating sources prepared. If you have a fireplace, store a good supply of dry, seasoned wood. Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure your family knows how to use them.
  • Properly vent kerosene heaters and keep any electric generators OUTSIDE and away from any open windows or doors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, do not burn charcoal indoors. Carbon monoxide poisoning can result from charcoal fumes indoors.
  • Keep fresh batteries on hand to use with flashlights and weather radios.
  • Always keep at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food in your home.
  • Wear multiple layers of thin clothing instead of a single layer of thick clothing to stay warm. You will be warmer and, as the temperature changes, you can easily remove layers to remain comfortable.

News Release Provided by Brian Short, Director of Emergency Management
For Release: IMMEDIATE   Contact: Brian K. Short
Date: November 23, 2015     Phone: 252-438-8264

News 11/23/15

Soldier’s Remains Coming Home – WRAL News

More than 60 years after Korean War, Henderson soldier’s remains are coming home


You can hear the audio portion of WRAL News on WIZS 1450 AM each weekday from 5:30 P.M. until 6:00 P.M.

News 11/20/15

Vance County Economic Development Show 11/18/15

News 11/19/15

VGCC and Dill Air Controls Products join forces with Apprenticeship program

Vance-Granville Community College and Oxford-based Dill Air Controls Products, LLC, recently signed on to join the North Carolina Triangle Apprenticeship Program (NCTAP), in an effort to provide new opportunities for local students and to prepare a skilled workforce.

NCTAP offers students a unique start to a professional career and develops them into future industry leaders. The program focuses on integrated basic training which develops technical, methodological and social skills. Typically starting in the 11th grade of high school, the four-year program leads to a student obtaining an associate degree at the community college and paid, on-the-job training at the participating employer.

Students in the program will be employed full-time by the company after they graduate from high school, and their VGCC tuition and fees are paid by the employer. Including salary, benefits and college tuition, the value of the program to the student is approximately $150,000 over four years.

VGCC and Dill Air Controls Products are currently spreading the word to students in Vance County and Granville County about this opportunity. The company intends to select its first two apprentices in 2016. They would complete the program in 2020.

Dill Air Controls Products is a leading manufacturer and distributor of tire and tank valves, tire pressure gauges, tire pressure monitoring sensors and service tools for the aerospace, automotive and commercial products industries. Company officials said they were pleased to announce the new partnership with NCTAP and VGCC. “We look forward to participating in this program to grow our employee base with local students who are committed to contributing to the manufacturing industry in Granville County,” said Dill’s President, Brian Rigney.

“This new partnership will support student success while building upon Vance-Granville’s tradition of collaborating with local employers and our local school systems to lead the economic development of our region,” said Dr. Stelfanie Williams, president of VGCC.

For NCTAP, the college’s involvement represents an expansion into what the apprenticeship program calls its “northern region.” Additional companies will be invited to join the partnership with VGCC. The college will focus on apprenticeships related to the college’s Mechatronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Welding Technology programs at first, but other Applied Technologies programs could be involved in the future.

According to NCTAP vice chairman Kent Misegades, his organization is particularly excited to work with VGCC because the college offers the Mechatronics program, which is not currently offered by any community college in the Raleigh-Durham area. “Mechatronics is the way to go for a student in advanced manufacturing, because it trains you in a broad range of skills,” Misegades said.

Zachary Chaney of Roxboro, who works for CaptiveAire in Youngsville as an NCTAP apprentice, recently spoke to representatives of VGCC, Granville County Schools, Vance County Schools and Dill Air Controls. “NCTAP is a great opportunity to work and learn at the same time,” Chaney said. “I feel more confident now, knowing more about all aspects of manufacturing. It’s given me not only a paycheck, but also a sense of pride and accomplishment.”

Misegades said students entering the program must meet certain requirements but are not required to have a certain type of prior experience in the field. He said the program is looking for candidates with an interest in engineering or manufacturing. He plans to hold orientation for participants in March or April of 2016, followed by a pre-apprenticeship program in the summer. Then, students would officially start the apprenticeship in the fall. Misegades noted that NCTAP is registered with the N.C. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Labor.

For more information about the apprenticeship program, high school students and their parents should talk with their school guidance counselors or contact Ken Wilson at VGCC, at or (252) 738-3259.

Leo Kelly Fills Wright’s Seat

Leo Kelly, Jr. will fill the unexpired term of late Vance County Commissioner Eddie Wright.  County Attorney Jonathan Care told WIZS News that Kelly was unanimously voted in by the commissioners.  Clerk to the Board Kelly Grissom said, “He will be sworn in on December 7.”

Kelly will fill the seat for approximately one year because the district 5 seat was already due for election in 2016 anyway.  At that point, Kelly can choose to run for the seat.

Kelly was voted in by the board at the November 2nd meeting, as we originally reported during the 12:37 P.M. News on WIZS 1450 AM on November 12th.

Early in the process, Archie B. Taylor, Chairman of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, sent a request to the chairman of the local Democratic party asking for the names of individuals good for the position who fulfilled the requirements.  Betty Boyd, who is the Third Vice Chair and in charge of publicity, told WIZS News, “We met last Thursday night (Oct 15) at Perry Library.  Four candidates made a three minute speech.  Leo Kelly received the nomination to serve the unexpired term of the late Eddie Wright.”

Kelly was a longtime Dean at Vance Granville Community College.  A news article published by the college in 2009 quotes VGCC’s president at the time, Randy Parker, as saying, “Leo Kelly is the longest-serving full-time employee in the history of our college, and his dedicated leadership has made an enormous difference in the lives of so many people in our communities.”