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Elevated Lead Levels Found In Two Recent County Water Samples


Some county water customers may find some information in their upcoming water bills letting them know that some recent samples have tested high for lead.

The Vance County Board of Commissioners heard from Special Projects Coordinator Frankie Nobles during the Monday work session, who outlined the next steps required to address the violation. The county must comply with nine steps set out by the N.C. Division of Enviornmental Quality in a report Nobles received on Nov. 2.

He singled out two locations, one on Warrenton Road and one on Vicksboro Road, that were found to be at .030 MG/L (milligrams per liter) – double allowable threshold of .015 MG/L.

“It’s not a concern that’s affected our whole system,” Nobles told commissioners.

Vance County Manager Renee Perry said that, in addition to informing the public in a variety of ways about the levels,  Envirolink – the county’s contracted water department – would perform more sampling to determine the source of the lead.

In an email to WIZS News Wednesday, Perry said the county has to perform a lead inventory to identify all the existing piping that contain elements with lead in it, and therefore need replacing. Pipe replacement is not part of Envirolink’s activities, she said.

There could be several possible causes, she said, including the source of water, the distribution system (material with lead components) and the sample point itself.

“Due the monitoring results, the lead was not detected in the majority of the sites, so we can conclude that neither the water source, nor the distribution system have these implications,” she said, which means the community is not exposed to a potentially harmful situation.

Perry said that once additional samples are analyzed, the county will get the results and send to the affected locations a consumer notice of lead tap water results.


Warren Farmers Market Gets $500,000 Grant To Build Pavilion On Former Fairground Property


The Warren County Farmers Market is closer to becoming a reality, thanks to a $500,000 grant from the Tobacco Trust Fund.

Danylu Hundley, chairperson of the Warren County Growers Association, said when the county incorporated into its strategic plan having a permanent home for the county’s only farmers market, it was a game-changer.

“I was on the committee that was formed to seek funding for a permanent structure for the farmers market,” Hundley said in a recent telephone interview.

This 20-member committee divided itself into three subcommittees, and Hundley chaired the funding subcommittee. The other subcommittees looked into finding a location for the local market, as well as types of structures that other markets use.

Warren County got $300,000 from the N.C. Department of Commerce’s distribution of American Rescue Plan funds in July 2022, which was used to purchase the Warren County Agriculture Fairgrounds.

Hundley said having a site for a farmers market made their application to the Tobacco Trust Fund more attractive. “I’ve been in touch with the Tobacco Trust Fund for years,” Hundley explained. “The sticking point was we didn’t own any property.”

This property provides plenty of space for parking and for the proposed 9,000 square foot structure, which most likely will be a pavilion-style building – open sides with a deep overhang to allow vendors protection from the elements.

According to information on the Tobacco Trust Fund website, the permanent area will also provide an office for creating a new farmers market manager.

The open-air pavilion with attached indoor space will allow for COVID-safe practices in the future.

The farmers market has been located in several different locations, including bank parking lots to, most recently, the Warren County Health Department.

Hundley said Warren County Manager Vincent Jones suggested the market set up shop at the health department. “It was the first time we ever really thought about growing,” she said. “We were able to see that with more space, we could have more vendors,” Hundley added.

Having a permanent location will help vendors and customers as well. In addition to being able to use EBT to purchase local produce, meat, eggs and more, the market facility will be used to host health education events such as cooking classes, weight management activities and gardening sessions.

“Warren County has a rich agrarian history that we are proud of,’ said Jones, adding that the farmers market “will allow small to large farmers a market for their goods and provide our residents and neighbors with locally grown, fresh food that lessens the impact of food deserts in some areas.

The county also intends to reactivate the former fairgrounds space for community use including private events, public gatherings, festivals, and other community-oriented activities.

“A well-developed market can also serve as a tourism draw, as well. The recent holiday market saw over 500 visitors to the market in the heart of the town of Warrenton. We think this only means positive things to come,” Jones said.

Paul McKenzie, interim director of the Warren County Cooperative Extension, said the committee has been working for about 18 months to make the dream a reality.

“We’ve had great support from the county manager (and) county commissioners,” McKenzie said. “We’ve had great support all along.”

For Hundley, it’s important to have a farmers market close to where the produce comes from. “We live in a farming community,” she said.

Henderson Police Arrest Two On Drug Charges; Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, Oxycodone Seized At Local Motel

Henderson police arrested two individuals on a variety of drug charges including manufacturing cocaine and trafficking heroin Tuesday at a local motel.

After serving a narcotics search warrant at the “121” Motel, Room 232, located at 197 Parham Rd., officers of the Henderson Police Department approximately 450 dosage units of heroin, 12.9 grams of marijuana, 14.7 grams of cocaine, 38 Suboxone Strips, oxycodone, drug manufacturing equipment, $1,512 in U.S. currency, and one semi-automatic pistol, according to information from Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow.

Arrested were Devon Blake Rhodes, 27 and Dylaney Darnes, 21, Barrow stated.

Both Devon Rhodes and Dylaney Darnes each were charged with:

  • two counts of trafficking heroin
  • two counts of maintaining a dwelling place for a controlled substance
  • possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver heroin
  • possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver cocaine
  • possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver Schedule II
  • possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver Schedule III
  • possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver marijuana
  • manufacture cocaine
  • possession of drug paraphernalia
  • possession of drug paraphernalia not marijuana

Rhodes received an additional charge of possession of firearm by a felon. Both were remanded to the Vance County Detention Center. Darnes received a $580,000 secured bond; Rhodes received no bond due to being on pre-trial release.

Chamber “Shop With A Cop” Fundraiser Nets $15,000

The Shop With A Cop fundraiser sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce was a huge success, and Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson said law enforcement officers and first responders were going to have about $15,000 to spend on their upcoming shopping spree with area youngsters.

A celebratory reception held last week for all the sponsors went great, Wilkerson said Monday. About 100 people attended the event, which included a 50/50 raffle. Between the proceeds of the raffle and a couple of last-minute sponsors, Wilkerson said the fundraiser exceeded her initial expectations of $11,000.

According to Wilkerson, Barrow commented that it’s the most money he’s heard any program in the area getting for a Christmas shopping program.

The shopping spree will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 19 at the Walmart in Henderson.

Rebuild Communities NC Teams Up With AARP To Host Computer Classes Beginning Dec. 5

Join Rebuild Communities NC at Perry Memorial Library for a Digital Skills Ready@50+ program to learn more about navigating an increasingly digital world.

Rebuild Communities NC is again partnering with AARP’s Senior Planet to help senior adults learn more online skills.

Whether you want to learn how to participate in a Zoom call or host your own, the classes will have something for anyone interested in honing their computer application skills.

Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the library’s Farm Bureau Room.

Whether you’re hoping to stay connected with family and friends, interested in learning new technologies, exploring  entrepreneurship, or looking for a job, the classes offer trainings technologies like video conferencing and accessing online job search.

The first two classes – Tuesday, Dec. 5 and Thursday, Dec. 7 – will discuss using Zoom.

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, the topic will be “Exploring & Downloading Apps;” the topic for Thursday, Dec. 14 is a lecture on Cloud Storage.

The classes will resume in January.



TownTalk: Jimmy Sidberry Explains Insurance Options During Annual Enrollment Period

The adage “One size does not fit all” is especially true for insurance coverage, a point to which local insurance representative Jimmy Sidberry can attest.

“This is my season,” Sidberry said on Tuesday’s TownTalk with guest host Steve Lewis, referring to the annual enrollment period open now through Dec. 7.

The annual enrollment period is a time for Medicare beneficiaries to take a look at their existing plans and make sure they’re still getting the best deal for their situation.

As Sidberry, with The Health Insurance Store on Dabney Drive explained it, Medicare is a federal insurance that pays 80 percent of a plan for people over 65. Medicaid is a state plan that helps low-income people pay that 20 percent not covered by Medicare.

Medicare is for people over 65 and for people under 65 with certain disabilities.

There are Medicare Advantage plans that provide coverage for  extras like dental and vision, Sidberry said.

The main thing that Sidberry said people approaching Medicare age should remember is this: Apply during the all-important window before your 65th birthday and no later than two months after. “If you wait, you can run into penalties,” he said. Penalties that won’t go away.

Same with prescription drug plans. The federal government requires beneficiaries to select a drug plan.

Beneficiaries who follow all the guidelines and meet all the deadlines have options before committing to a yearlong plan, Sidberry said. The open enrollment period runs between Jan. 1 and March 31.

“If a plan isn’t working for you, talk with your agent during the open enrollment period,” Sidberry suggested.

Want to learn more? Contact Sidberry at 919.500.9648.


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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

The Perry Memorial Library has a flurry of events planned between Thanksgiving and Christmas, providing lots of interactive activities for the whole family.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters invites patrons to take the long way in to the library and enjoy reading a story along the sidewalk outside and lingering among the lovely Festival of Trees exhibit in the Gallery between the library entrance and McGregor Hall.

The library will be closed Thursday through Sunday, but come Monday, Nov. 27, activities at the library are going to be heating up.

The StoryWalk, Peters explained, is geared toward those preschool-aged children. Families can join in the fun and get in a little exercise while they read a book, panel by panel, along the sidewalk.

“It’s just a fun activity,” Peters said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! “This is a good way to build in exercise…and read a story along the way,” Peters said. The StoryWalk will be up for a month for all to enjoy.

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 4 p.m., Durham-based StoryUp! Aerial Theater will perform the classic fable of The Lion and the Mouse. “It’s like going to the circus, but then imagine theater,” Peters said, sort of a mini Cirque de Soleil with aerial artists interpreting the story that’s basically about being kind.

The library is launching another story time beginning Thursday, Dec. 7 for elementary-age children, Peters said. She hopes the 3:30 p.m. time slot will be just right to get children engaged before they head off to tackle homework assignments or Lego Club.

These books will be a little longer than those selected for younger children’s shorter attention spans, she said. The theme for December will focus on different holiday traditions. First up is a book titled “Hershel and the Hannukah Goblins.”

She said she plans to incorporate this new story time offering as a way to encourage children of all ages to enjoy being read to.

Consider embracing your inner crafter on Saturday, Dec. 16 when the library opens up for all ages to join in a variety of crafts for the whole family.

Speaking of crafts, the Mother Goose story time slot is giving way in December to make-and-take craft activities for those kiddos birth to 5 years, Peters noted. “We’ll take a break in December and offer…crafts,” she said. And while they may just seem like fun activities, there’s a lot of learning going on. Stringing cereal on a pipe cleaner involves developing that pincer grasp, as well as sorting by colors. “There’s so much learning happening,” Peters said.

Learn about all the services and programs at Perry Memorial Library at




Cooperative Extension With Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Sheriff’s Office Seeks Man In Connection With Convenience Store Break-Ins

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office is asking for help from the public to locate a man linked to several local break-ins.

Jason Ayscue, 43, is wanted on felony charges of busines break-ins, according to information from Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame.

Anyone with information related to the break-ins of local convenience stores, or who may know the whereabouts of Ayscue are encouraged to call the Vance County Sheriff’s Office at 252.738.2200, Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers at 252.492.1925 or use the P3 app.

Crime Stoppers offers a reward of up to $1,000 for information that may lead to an arrest. Callers may remain anonymous.