COVID-19 Update: March 4, 2021

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

— courtesy of Granville Vance Public Health

There have been 5,263 cases of COVID-19 in Granville County and 4,391 cases of COVID-19 in Vance County for a total of 9,654 across the health district.

Sadly, there have been 76 deaths as a result of COVID-19 in Granville County and 81 deaths in Vance County.

As our focus shifts to vaccine efforts, we will begin reporting updates about the numbers vaccinated in each of our counties. This information, as well as demographic information, can also be found at https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/vaccinations.

Vance County

Total Doses Administered: 11,485
First Doses Administered: 7,091
Second Doses Administered: 4,394

Percentage of Population Received 1st Dose: 15.9%
Percentage of Population Received 2nd Dose: 9.9%


Granville County

Total Doses Administered: 16,028
First Doses Administered: 10,226
Second Doses Administered: 5,802

Percentage of Population Received 1st Dose: 16.9%
Percentage of Population Received 2nd Dose: 9.6%

We encourage you to visit the NCDHHS COVID-19 Dashboard. Relevant graphs from these dashboards are available on our website at https://gvph.org/covid-19_dashboard/.

Lisa Harrison, local health director, wrote in email correspondence:

“March is the one-year-mark for this pandemic – this was the first week in 2020 we had a positive case in NC.

“I was asked to speak at a public health class at UNC via zoom this evening and it was helpful reflection time – it’s important to pause, take a deep breath, and share the incredible work happening locally with vaccine distribution on top of the work we have been doing all year long. Public health workforce stories are the best to be able to tell.

“One of the things I shared with the students is how public health work is not ever very predictable. It’s a pretty huge adventure and different each day regardless of pandemic status. But for this year, check out how our last 52 weeks have gone:

“As a team, GVPH has managed A LOT of CHANGE. I’m still blown away by the hard-working people who remain dedicated after this much intense work day in and day out, week in and week out. They continue to impress me and so many others in our community.

“There are a few points we would like you to know as we chart the path forward to the other side:

“As always, than you for your ongoing support and expressions of kindness. We are all incredibly grateful for community!!!”

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