Council May Take Action Monday On Request For Motorsports Park

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UPDATE FROM WIZS RADIO – Click Here – wizs.com/henderson-zooms-ahead-with-racetrack-ordinance


The Henderson City Council will hold a public hearing as part of its December meeting before possibly deciding whether to accept a request to allow a motorsports park within the city’s jurisdiction.

Included in the agenda packet for the Dec. 12 meeting, which begins at 6 p.m., is an item from Devin Anderson and Justin Davis, who have submitted a request to open a race track. This request resulted in city staff drafting an ordinance that includes all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), motorcycles, automobiles and trucks. The planning board reviewed the information back in June, but member requested more time to review the ordinance.

In August, the planning board made a motion to deny the text amendment, and the council, at its October meeting, asked the land planning committee to review the information and recommend possible changes.

The committee met on Nov. 30 according to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, and the council is scheduled to get an update and a possible recommendation before deciding whether to accept or deny the request.

According to the agenda packet, issues that were addressed by city staff include hours or operation, defining “racing event,” gravel parking and setbacks.

WIZS News asked Blackmon about the process, and in a reply by email, he said that the land planning committee had made minor changes to the ordinance based on recommendations from the city council’s October meeting.

“There is a revised text amendment that will go before council on Monday night,” Blackmon said, adding that the public hearing will be reconvened from October before council takes action.

Even if the text amendment is approved, Blackmon noted that there remain specific requirements to be met before a race track could be developed, including getting a special-use permit from the board of adjustment.

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