Community Partnership for Pets $10k Grant to Vance County

Community Partnership for Pets $10k Grant to Vance County

Frankie Nobles, Chief of Vance County Animal Services, told WIZS News in a press release that Vance County is the recipient of a $10,000.00 spay/neuter grant.

The grant was applied for on January 26, and Nobles indicated it would be used as follows:

TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return.

Nobles said, “These funds will be a great help getting animals in the community spayed/neutered. We anticipate that with this assistance for more citizens, we will see fewer litters of puppies and kittens being brought into the shelter. We are also hoping to see our yearly intakes at the shelter decrease each year as we start a TNR program for feral cats in the community.”

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