Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Upcoming Events At Perry Memorial Library

By all accounts, October is going to be busy at Perry Memorial Library. Youth Services Director Melody Peters has outlined several programs designed for tweens and teens that could “spark” an interest – pun intended.

Peters said a dozen young people are already registered for the Tuesday, Oct. 10 Electricity program. The hour-long program begins at 4 p.m., she said, and participants will get to learn about how electricity works from a Vance-Granville Community College instructor.

It’ll be a fun time, but it also can be a way for young people to learn about careers, she said.

“Now kids see a real connection,” she said, between education and future job opportunities in the electrical field.

There’s no charge for the event, but contact Peters if you haven’t already registered at

The following week’s Survival Skills program will introduce youngsters to the world of crochet. Yep, crochet. They have all the materials and plenty of space, so just show up if you want to learn how to magically pull yarn with a crochet hook to create handcrafted items.

The annual Fall Festival will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

“Last year was such a great time – we had a great turnout,” Peters said. “We’re excited to do it again.”

Children can come in Halloween costumes if they’d like and can enjoy playing traditional carnival games and craft activities.

For a complete listing of all the programs and services at Perry Memorial Library, visit



TownTalk: Public Safety Expo This Saturday

There will be a lot of action on the lot of the former Boyd auto dealership on U.S. 158 bypass in Henderson as law enforcement agencies from across Henderson and Vance County converge to take part in a Public Safety Expo this coming Saturday, Sept. 30.

Vance County Fire Chief Chris Wright said the expo will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will include representatives from a wide variety of agencies that promote and protect public safety.

“It promotes a positive atmosphere for all public safety coming together,” Wright said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. “We come together in emergency situations so coming together outside of that…promotes positivity through the county,” he said.

Kids can take part in a bike rodeo through Safe Kids. And there will be a bike helmet giveaway while supplies last. Two bicycles will be raffled off as well.

Those in attendance can enjoy free hotdogs, chips and drinks while they last and the Kona Ice truck is scheduled to join the festivities, too.

“We’re trying to promote something positive here in Vance County, along with the City of Henderson, and partnering with all these agencies,” Wright explained. “It’s an all-around activity for kids and adults.”



The Local Skinny! Shop With A Cop Now Underway

The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, along with the Henderson Police Department and Vance County Sheriff’s Office, has added a couple of twists to the traditional fundraiser that pairs children in the community with law enforcement officers to go on a holiday shopping spree.

This year’s event has expanded to include first responders, firefighters, animal control and the N.C. State Highway Patrol to be a part of the Shop with a Cop and Friends event close to Christmas.

But the fun leading up to the Dec. 19 shopping event has already started, and this is the time for the community to participate, according to Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson.

“We’re all about putting community and businesses together,” Wilkerson said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny! By including additional agencies, Wilkerson said she, Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow and Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame felt it could be a more inclusive event – “so inclusive that nobody is left out,” she said.

For the next couple of months, the community is invited to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win cash prizes.

But this isn’t an ordinary raffle – it’s called an envelope raffle. “There will be 180 tickets for sale,” Wilkerson explained. “The ticket number is the price you pay for the ticket; however, the ticket number will determine one of four drawings that ticket will be in,” she continued.

Here’s how it works: Say you want to buy ticket #50. You pay $50 for that ticket. BUT, you will be entered in a chance to win cash prizes according to the ticket you purchase. The breakdown is as follows:  Contributors giving between $1 and $40 will be entered to win $200. Contributors in the $41-$80 range are entered for a chance at $500. Those contributing between $81 and $120 will be entered to win $1,000.  And those purchasing tickets 121-180 are entered for a chance for the grand prize of $2,000.

The winners will be announced during a reception on Nov. 14 at Henderson Country Club, Wilkerson said. Anyone who purchases tickets in the 100-180 range get in free; admission for anyone else who would like to attend is $20.

The Nov. 14 reception is a time to celebrate, Wilkerson said. “We just want it to be really fun and (get) geared up for that shopping experience.” The goal is to have at least $5,000 for the children to spend during their shopping trip.

The raffle is a fun way to raise money for the shopping spree, but sponsors also play a role. Wilkerson said sponsors have already donated several thousand dollars.

It’s all for the culminating activity that pairs deserving children with representatives from the various law enforcement and first responder groups, who will go shopping at the Henderson Walmart on Dec. 19.

“We love this fundraiser,” said Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame.

It’s a great thing to see the excitement of those children’s faces,” Brame told WIZS News Monday. “We’re looking forward to having a great day,” he said, “seeing the smiles on a lot of children’s faces.”

Tickets can be purchased from the Chamber Office, the police department, and the Vance County Sheriff’s office.


The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood Change Your Oil

For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

These days, our vehicles do a good job of telling us when it’s time to change the oil. Most vehicle experts agree that changing the oil in a timely manner is one of the best things a car or truck owner can do to extend the life of a vehicle’s engine.

If you’re the type of vehicle owner who likes to tackle this task yourself, trust the folks at Advance Auto Parts to help you choose the proper type of oil – there are so many options!

Manufacturers may recommend synthetic oil for newer models, but that sweet ’65 Mustang parked in the garage may need a conventional oil.

Remember, think safety first when changing the oil yourself. Even if you don’t need to jack the vehicle, it may be a good idea to put a jack in place, just in case.

And chock the wheels for good measure.

Use a drain pan to catch the oil once the plug is removed – and make sure that the old gasket comes off the block when you remove the oil filter!

Give the oil 15 minutes or so to drain and then you can install the new filter.

DIY’ers know to rub a little fresh oil around the seal, take care not to cross thread or overtighten.

Advance Auto Parts is a great place to bring that reclaimed oil for proper disposal.

Tune in to this week’s Pop the Hood segment for a step-by-step “how-to” for changing the oil in your car or truck.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.




The Local Skinny! Relay For Life To Take Place September 30th

The Vance County Relay for Life is resuming its efforts after several years of reduced activity because of pandemic restrictions. The entire community is invited to the Henderson Family YMCA on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to participate, honor and remember.

Freddie Harris and Donald Matthews shared details about the event on Wednesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

“I believe this will be great start for Relay for Life coming back to Vance County, said Harris, one of the organizers from St. James Missionary Baptist Church that is sponsoring the event. There will be an opening ceremony and luminaria lining the track, with lots of activities in between.

The theme is Uniting in Hope, Empowering Together, she said. The main word is hope, Harris said.

Hope is the key word, Harris said. “I’m hoping that hope will inspire people and that people will feel hopeful from this event,” she said.
“Not just cancer survivors, but the city and the county. We really need to come together.”

Donald Matthews remembers the Relay events of some years ago when thousands of people would gather to participate. He was in charge of logistics, and it was challenging to organize 75 or more teams and have them in the right place at the right time.

There are currently nine teams signed up to participate, but the event can accommodate more.

The event is open to the whole community, and Matthews invites other churches, businesses and individuals to take part.

“Just because COVID stopped (us), cancer didn’t stop,” he said. “Our goal is, one day, to work ourselves out of a job. I’d like to see (cancer) eradicated, if I’ve got anything to do with it,” he said.

Harris invites the community to come out and show support for cancer survivors.

Cancer survivors like herself, a two-time cancer survivor.

“We want everybody to come out and be a part of it,” she said.

To register a team, call the American Cancer Society at 800.227.2345 or visit  to find out more, make a donation or purchase a luminary.

Luminary bags are $10 each, 3 for $25 or $25 for one gold luminary.










The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 09-20-23

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • When reseeding your cool season lawn buying poor quality seed is asking for disappointment.Check your seed tags purchase certified seed. Check for the blue certification tag.Certified seed is free of noxious weed seed and contains low amounts of other crop seed.b  Good seed helps in having a good lawn.
  • Start controlling fire ants.
  • Check cole crops for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs.
  • Start planning for any trees and shrubs you may want to plant in your landscape this fall.
  • Control weeds in the garden. One weed left to seed out can produce 1000’s of weeds in your garden next year.

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The Local Skinny! Gavin’s Groupies 5K Run To Benefit CFF

If you’re looking for a new spot to get your Saturday run in this weekend, Tanya Darrow invites you to come out to Henderson Point for a 5K Fun Run fundraiser. In addition to getting some exercise yourself, you’ll be helping a group called Gavin’s Groupies – Loping For Lungs at the same time.

Gavin is Darrow’s 13-year-old son, himself a cross country runner, who also lives with a chronic condition called cystic fibrosis.

This is the first time Darrow has organized a major event like a 5K Fun Run, and she said she’s excited to host it at such a pretty location. “It’s a really nice course, it’s paved – right along the lake,” she said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Runners can sign up online at, and she said she plans to be able to have same-day registration as well – cash and Venmo for sure, and payment by card, depending on internet reception. The run begins at 9 a.m., but participants should plan to arrive between 8 a.m. and 8:30, she said.

Darrow said she has a memory of doing a fun run with Gavin when he was younger than 5 years old. “He ran a lot of it, but I ended up carrying him on my shoulders the last mile or so.”

“Running is very important for maintaining lung function,” she added. With CF, a genetic mutation causes a malfunction of sodium and chloride levels, causing mucus to be thick and sticky instead of a smooth, lubricating fluid.

The fun run is a way for Darrow to help raise money for research to find treatments and one day, a cure for CF.

The CF Foundation supports research into the disease, and helps families with a wide range of programs and services, from scholarships and housing programs to helping to defray the costs of expensive medications.

Sign up for the run at

Learn more about other programs and fundraisers at and follow Darrow’s efforts with Gavin’s Groupies on Facebook at



The Local Skinny! Rehab at Maria Parham

Lori Murphy has been a physical therapist for 29 years, and as a physical therapist and clinical liaison for LifePoint at Maria Parham Health, she wants to make sure that the community knows about the services available for those who need inpatient rehab.

This week is National Rehabilitation Awareness Week and Murphy was a guest on The Local Skinny! Monday to focus on specific needs of those who have acute rehab needs.

The week’s theme is “the power of medical rehabilitation,” Murphy said, which she describes as rehabilitation that involves a physician and other therapists to address a patient’s needs through regular, frequent sessions while in a hospital setting.

Whether a patient is recovering from a car accident, spinal injury, or learning to live independently again after an illness or injury, Murphy said inpatient rehab could be a good choice.

A stroke victim may need speech therapy to recover abilities, she said. Or someone who’s endured a long hospital stay and is now in a debilitated state may need respiratory, occupational or other forms of therapy to regain strength.

No matter the reason, inpatient rehab helps patients “reach their potential to function more independently,” she said, motivating them to attain goals that will allow them to live on their own with little to no assistance.

The reasons vary, she said, but Murphy said it’s important to listen to the patients to learn what’s important to them. Whether it’s getting out of the house to go to church or being able to stand up at a child’s wedding, Murphy said the therapy is different for each person.

The MPH inpatient rehab has 11 private rooms to accommodate patients.

“The vast majority of our patients feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment when they reach their goals and are ready to go home,” she said.

“They are grateful for the time they’ve spent here,” she said.

Call inpatient rehab admissions at 252.436.1276 to learn more or to arrange a tour of the facility.

Visit to learn more.

(MPH is an advertiser with WIZS. This is not a paid ad.)


Chick-fil-A Henderson

Business Spotlight: Chick-fil-A of Henderson

Sometimes there is more to a restaurant than its signature item, and sometimes that means the restaurant spills out into the community in a unique way.

For Chick-fil-A of Henderson or anywhere else that could mean seeing the beloved Chick-fil-A cow at a ballgame or even the restaurant handing out cards for free signature items to the first 250 appearing at a game, such as Friday night, Sept. 15, 2023 in Henderson for the Vance County High School Vipers vs. Southern Durham.

And while great restaurants normally receive their guests in a manner that promotes that greatness, isn’t it likely true that the greatness of the restaurant may be produced by the restaurant’s employees because of how the owner/operator/corporation receives those valuable employee team members?

For one possible answer to the question above, as it pertains to Chick-fil-A of Henderson anyway, enjoy the audio link below as Josh Towne, local owner/operator, describes incentives for employment at Chick-fil-A of Henderson including food, opportunities to attend college and more.

(Chick-fil-A of Henderson advertises on WIZS.  This text and audio is not a paid ad.)



The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 09-13-23

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • When purchasing grass seed check tag for Germination %of that lot of seed. Use a mixture of 3 varieties.Check Carolina Lawns Publication.
  • Scout for fire ants
  • Check transplants for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs.
  • Late summer can be a good time to work on managing tough to control invasive plants. Use a broad spectrum systemic herbicide such as glyphosate or a brushy killer product.
  • We are in full hurricane season, Prepare or check your Emergency Kit. review your emergency weather plan.
  • Don’t be too quick to cut back perennials and ornamental grasses. The standing stems and foliage can provide habitat and cover for beneficial insects and birds over the winter.

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