Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Compost your leaves this year! DO NOT BURN LEAVES
  • Do a final cleanup of raised vegetable beds. Remove crops and weeds and apply compost.
  • Cleanup around your fruit trees.
  • Avoid the temptation to purchase fruit trees on impulse.
  • Consider constructing a small greenhouse or cold frame
  • Observe houseplant response to changing light levels as we move into winter. Adjust light by moving them or adding artificial light.
  • November is a great time to collect your Soil Samples when we get some rain. 4 weeks analysis time.
  • If you have space, consider planting pecan trees.
  • If you have vacant areas in your garden consider planting a cover crop. Ex Crimson clover
  • Do not let weeds go to seed!

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The Local Skinny! Commissioners Approve Tax Revaluation Schedule

When Vance County residents get those much-anticipated tax bills early next year, just remember one thing: It’s been eight years since the last revaluation, so any increase – and most certainly there will be an increase – has occurred over eight years, not just one.

That reminder came from Ryan Vincent of Vincent Valuations, the company hired to complete the revaluation process.

Vincent spoke to the Vance County Board of Commissioners at the Nov. 6 meeting to request that the board adopt the scheduled values that were presented.

The commissioners did approve the request, so the next step is to publish the announcement in the local newspaper for four consecutive weeks and then they will be officially adopted.

And soon after that, tax bills will hit mailboxes throughout the county.

Commissioner Dan Brummitt explained in a phone interview after the meeting that there are values associated with different types of homes – brick versus stick-built, custom home versus tract-style – and inspectors assign each property to a level, which ultimately affects the tax value.

This most recent revaluation process involved individual exterior inspections of every residence, and walking the property to measure it.

“That’s typically not done every time,” Brummitt said.

Vincent said the county will work Atlas, a contract and mapping company, to help address disputes that taxpayers may have with the revaluation results.

He noted that there are “fairly substantial increases throughout the county” with this revaluation. The previous revaluation was done in 2016, which resulted in a drop in tax values.

Brummitt said the county encourages residents to speak up with questions they may have when they get their tax bills.

“Nobody’s going to understand it until they get their appraisal,” he said. “Some people will be validated in their complaints.”


‘Operation Christmas Child’ Sends Shoeboxes Of Gifts To Children Across The Globe

The Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ collection week runs through Nov. 20, and there are several local drop-off spots that will be collecting boxes filled with gifts that will be distributed throughout the world for Christmas. This year’s goal is to reach 11 million children with the traditional “shoeboxes.”

North Henderson Baptist Church is the drop-off location in Henderson, according to information from Dolores Brown with Samaritan’s Purse.

Shoebox gifts prepared by generous donors and filled with toys, personal care items and school supplies may be dropped off now during National Collection Week, which began today and continues for the next week.

Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts to children worldwide for three decades. In 2023, Operation Christmas Child hopes to collect enough shoeboxes to reach another 11 million children. This season, there’s still time for individuals, families, and groups to transform empty shoeboxes into fun gifts. The project of Samaritan’s Purse partners with local churches across the globe to deliver these tangible expressions of God’s love to children in need. Find a step-by-step guide on the How to Pack a Shoebox webpage.

“This season, children around the world need a tangible reminder that there is hope and that God loves them,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “Through these shoebox gifts packed with special items, children also receive the opportunity to hear about the eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.”

Participants can use the online lookup tool to find the nearest drop-off location and hours of operation as they make plans to drop off their shoebox gifts. It is searchable by city or ZIP code. Signs at each location will identify the drop off.

Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, seeks to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world and, together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 209 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 170 countries and territories.

North Henderson Baptist Church, 1211 N. Garnett St., will accept shoeboxes at the following drop-off times:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 14: 12 noon  –  2 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 15:  3 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 16: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Friday, Nov. 17:  2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Saturday, Nov. 18: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
  • Sunday, Nov 19: 12 noon – 5 p.m.
  • Monday, Nov. 20: 10 a.m. to 12 noon

The Local Skinny! Rebuilding Hope Initiates Project ‘Roll On’

Rebuilding Hope volunteers spend a lot of time each year helping people make essential repairs to their homes, mostly fixing roofs and constructing handicap ramps. But the nonprofit’s founder Randolph Wilson said the group needs to turn its attention to some repairs at their own home – namely, the driveway and parking lot.

Project “ROLL ON” is underway to raise $100,000 to complete the repaving project, Wilson said.

And he’s asking for help from the community to make it happen.

“Please consider any gift to project ‘ROLL ON’ when you begin considering this year’s donations, or perhaps budgeting a contribution for early next year.  Our desire is to be able to begin these repairs to the worst areas next spring and continue until completion,” Wilson said.

They kicked off the fundraiser campaign on Sept. 29 with an announcement in the monthly newsletter and an insert placed in the chicken plates that were sold on that day.

In a letter to volunteers and to other supporters, Wilson said he hopes to “gain support in acquiring much needed funds to repair the damaged pavement around our building.  The parking lot and driveways are in real need of resurfacing to prevent damage to vehicles and also (to) allow proper drainage away from the building,” he stated.

Rebuilding Hope, Wilson said, has always been funded solely from individuals, churches, and business entities. “We must ask our faithful community once again to help us continue this good work.  These are very difficult times for many people simply trying to afford housing, food and basic needs.  We need to secure this ministry’s ability to respond to people with hope, by repairing this damage.”

The Rebuilding Hope ministry was founded in 2006 following a deployment to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

“I knew then, as I know now, that one of the most basic physical needs people have is a place to shelter, to call home.  My wife Gail and I, along with our patrons and volunteers, believe that their most important need is spiritual, and that coming alongside to offer help and hope in a time of need gives us opportunities to witness to them about Christ.  It has truly been amazing over these past 17 years to see how God has moved through this construction ministry and the lives that have been touched,” Wilson said.

There are a variety of ways to make donations to Project ‘ROLL ON’:

Visit the website rebuildinghopeinc.org and select Donate to make an online contribution, mail donations to 414 Raleigh Rd., Henderson, NC 27536 or drop donations off in person at the office Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Drain water out of any sprayers or pumps.
  • Spend some time on equipment maintenance.
  • Harvest any mature fruits or vegetables today
  • Continue planting.
  • Bring indoors any plants that might freeze.
  • Check houseplants for repotting.
  • November is a great time to collect your Soil Samples when we get some rain. 2 week analysis time.
  • Research fruit crops.

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

The “mitten tree” at Perry Memorial Library will be up soon, providing some holiday cheer as a wintertime decoration as well as a resource for those in need of mittens and hats during the cold months ahead.

Last year’s tree was a success, but it was also funded with a “Kindness” grant, said Melody Peters, Youth Services director at the library. “We gave away over 200 items,” she said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

“This is the first year we’ve asked for donations,” Peters added. Patrons are invited to drop of new or even gently used mittens, gloves and hats at any of the desks in the library.

If you’re shopping for yourself, consider grabbing an extra pair to donate, she said.

Peters said she’ll enlist the help of local knitters to whip up a few pairs as well when they’re at the library for their regular club gathering.

And who knows, maybe the newly formed Crochet group will help, too. The group of a dozen or more tweens and teens who are learning how to create with hook and yarn will meet again on Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. as part of the Survival Skills series.

“We have room for extras,” Peters said. “We have room to grow…we can open the doors to the Makerspace…(and we) can spill out into the teen area.” The library provides the crochet hooks and the yarn that the participants can take home to practice with.

Another program for youth is the Life Hacks series. The Nov. 14 program is titled “Fun With Finance,” and Peters said a local bank representative will be on hand to share some practical information that teens should know about money. The program, designed for high school students, begins at 4 p.m.

Not everything can be done with a swipe or a tap on your phone, Peters said, and she wants young people to know about things like rent, mortgages, checking accounts and more.

This program helps get them started on the path to financial literacy by “just getting them to understand the basics,” she said.

Learn more about Perry Memorial Library and its programs and services at https://www.perrylibrary.org/



Henderson Christmas Parade

The Local Skinny! Henderson Christmas Parade Is Coming

It may be hard to believe, but the Henderson Christmas parade is less than one month away.

The parade will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2 beginning at 2 p.m., according to parade organizers. And groups that want to be in the parade have until Nov. 24 – the day after Thanksgiving – to submit an entry form.

The entry form can be found at  www.hendersonncdowntown.org.

Entries will line up on Raleigh Road near the light at Burger King, and then will proceed down Raleigh Road before turning right onto Garnett Street. The parade route continues down Garnett Street and concludes at Rose Avenue, near First United Methodist Church and Sunrise Biscuit.

The parade is sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission and the Vance County Arts Council.




The Local Skinny! Grace Ministries Plans 7th Annual Thanksgiving Meal

The 7th annual Grace Ministries Thanksgiving meal giveaway is taking shape and organizer Bobby West said the plan is to provide 3,000 meals to folks in the community on Saturday, Nov. 18.

In addition to the Grace Ministries location at 215 Crozier St., West said there are a number of locations where individuals across Vance, Granville and Warren counties can go to pick up to-go plates, filled with pork loin, vegetables, stuffing and a dessert.

The event gets underway at 11 a.m., but there’s a lot of preparation that goes in to making that happen, West said on Monday’s The Local Skinny!

He said he expects to feed 1,000 at the Crozier Street location – folks can dine there or pick up a takeout plate.

All the other locations are takeout only, and West said they could use some volunteers to help, beginning at 8:30 on the morning of Nov. 18. “We’re going to need 2,000 plates ready to go by 11 o’clock,” he said.

It’ll probably take 100 or so volunteers that morning, West said, adding that there will be six or seven lines set up to pack all the plates. “We’ll pack them up fast, get them out the door and to the locations,” he said.

It’s their biggest outreach effort of the year, and West said he’s grateful to the churches in the area that help out each year. “We couldn’t without support of the community and other churches,” he said. “God has been so good to us…we just do it as an act of kindness – the world can use some more kindness.”

And cakes. They need cakes – 160, truth be told, West said, for each of those 3,000 plates. If you can help out, give him a call at 252.432.7124.

Monetary donations may be sent to Grace Ministries, P.O. Box 316, Henderson, NC 27536.

Following is the list of satellite locations that will have plates ready for distribution:

  • Grace Baptist Church near fairgrounds;
  • South Henderson Church of God set up last year at Rose’s on Dabney Drive;
  • Room At The Cross, 235 Booth Ave.;
  • Rushing Waters Outreach in Oxford;
  • Norlina Baptist Church, Norlina;
  • Old Aycock gym, Vicksboro Road, by New Sandy Creek Baptist Church;
  • West End Baptist Church, Dabney Drive;
  • Location across from standpipe on Andrews Avenue.



The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Repairing Dents, Dings And Scratches

For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

Don’t you just hate it when you get just a little too close to the mailbox with your car and you hear “that” sound – that metal on metal sound, just as you’re lowering your window to pick up the mail?

Even the most careful drivers can probably remember a similar experience, from a drive-thru bank or fast-food restaurant, or even a runaway grocery cart that came to a stop against your car’s side panel, leaving a little dent or ding.

How hard could it be to buff out a scratch, fill a ding or pop out a dent?

The folks at Advance Auto Parts can help you decide the materials you need to tackle the project yourself.

WIZS’s John Stevenson and Bill Harris discussed some how-to’s during the Pop The Hood segment of Thursday’s The Local Skinny!

“It’s not terribly hard,” Stevenson said of doing cosmetic work on your vehicle. “It’s just time-consuming. The more time you take, the better your results are going to be.”

A shallow scratch may be able to be buffed out, for example, but a deeper scrape could require some sanding before you add body filler and then paint.

Did you know that the sticker inside your vehicle’s door jamb is the place to look to find paint codes? The friendly staff at Advance Auto can find the paint to match the code and fix you up with the other items you need to tackle the job yourself.

Armed with a few items and a little bit of patience, you’ll have your vehicle looking great in a jiffy

Until the next time you get too close to the mailbox.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Drain water out of any sprayers or pumps.
  • Spend some time on equipment maintenance.
  • Harvest any mature fruits or vegetables today
  • Continue planting.
  • Bring indoors any plants that might freeze.
  • Check houseplants for repotting.
  • November is a great time to collect your Soil Samples when we get some rain. 2 week analysis time.
  • Research fruit crops.

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