WIZS Weather-Related Radio Announcements

1450 AM / 100.1 FM Radio Announcements

Send to johncharles@wizs.com or text (two-five-two)—four-three-two—zero-seven-seven-four.


Nothing at this time. WIZS will add updates as they become available.


(When your church, group, non-profit, school or business has a weather-related announcement for WIZS Radio and WIZS.com, please consider using the email or text method listed above to reach us.)

Henderson Driver License Office Closed Until At Least 2 P.M. Friday

UPDATE: The Henderson Driver License office has reopened as of 1:50 p.m. Friday

Original Update:

WIZS News learned at 7:30 a.m. Friday that the Henderson Driver License Office is expected to be closed until at least 2 p.m. Friday.

A spokesperson with DMV and NCDOT told WIZS, “The Driver License office in Henderson will be closed this morning to allow for necessary facilities maintenance and office upgrades. Customers with appointments this morning are being serviced at the Oxford Driver License office or have been rescheduled.”

The Henderson office is scheduled to reopen around 2:00 p.m.

More details may be available later in the day.

In mid-January there was a closure for scheduled office upgrades such as the installation of new workstations for examiners, new wiring for computers, computer upgrades, and new furniture in the customer waiting area.

Vance County Logo

Deadline Jan. 24 To Apply For District 3 Seat On Vance County Board Of Commissioners

The process to appoint a replacement for the District 3 seat on the Vance County Board of Commissioners continues, with the application now posted on the county’s webpage for interested individuals to complete and return.

Interested individuals have until Friday, Jan. 24  to submit their completed applications.

The application can be found here.

Submit completed applications to Kelly Grissom, clerk to the board, to the address listed on the application. Eligibility will be verified with the Vance County Board of Elections.

To be considered, applicants must be of legal voting age, reside in District 3 and be a member of the Democratic party.

The board has until Mar. 1 to appoint a replacement for former commissioner Sean Alston, who resigned effective Jan. 1 to accept a position as a magistrate in Warren County.

Visit www.vancecounty.org to learn more.

Vance County Schools Will Dismiss Early On Friday, Jan. 10

WIZS has been asked to announce the following:
From Vance County Schools: Due to the forecast of inclement weather, Vance County Schools will dismiss students on Friday, January 10 at 2 pm. All afterschool activities will be canceled. Stay up-to-date with the latest information by visiting our website at www.vcs.k12.nc.us.

Delays/Closings for 1-8-25

WIZS has been asked to announce:

From Victory Christian School – “Two-hour delay for Victory Christian School Wednesday, January 8th.”


VGCC Campuses Opening at 11 a.m., Mon., Jan. 6

Due to inclement weather, Vance-Granville Community College campuses will be opening at 11 a.m., Monday, Jan. 6.

Vance County Courts on 2-Hour Delay 1-6-25

From Vance County Clerk of Court Hon. Henry Gupton:

Clerk’s Office opening at 10:30 a.m., Monday, January 6, 2025. District court starts at 11 a.m. Superior Court and Grand Jury report at 10:30 a.m. Small Claims start at 11 a.m.

Victory Christian School is closed Monday, January 6, 2025

Victory Christian School is closed Monday, January 6, 2025.

Vance County Schools Closed Monday For Students; Optional Workday Begins At 10 A.M.

-from Aarika Sandlin, Vance County Schools Chief Officer of Communication & Innovative Support

Vance County Schools are closed for students Monday, and staff will have an optional workday beginning at 10 a.m.

The area is under a winter weather advisory and the forecast is calling for below-freezing conditions and frozen precipitation, so school officials made the call to close school for students. Essential personnel will report to their locations at 9:30 a.m.


Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS) is closed Monday, January 6, 2025

Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS) is closed Monday, January 6, 2025