The Local Skinny! Farmers Market Vendor Courses
This is the time of year when local gardeners are perusing seed catalogs or checking in with local nurseries about when the vegetable slips will be ready to purchase. The April 15 frost date seems a long way off, but gardeners are planning now in order to reap the benefits – literally – when spinach, peas, beans and more are ready to harvest.
Vance County Cooperative Extension is hosting a series of vendor workshops during March for anyone interested in participating in farmers markets in Vance, Granville or other nearby counties.
Vance County Agriculture Agent Michael Ellington said the classes will be held on Saturday mornings beginning Mar. 8 and will continue on Mar. 15, 22 and 29. The first three sessions will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the Mar. 29 session will last from 10 a.m to 1 p.m.
All sessions will be held at Salem United Methodist Church, 4151 Salem Rd., Oxford.
Each session has a different focus, Ellington explained.
- 8 – the basics of business
- 15 – marketing – product placement for optimum visibility on tables in the market
- 22 – knowing your customers and follow-up to sales
- 29 – basic food safety
Vendors often sell at more than one farmers market, Ellington said, so it just makes sense that these vendor trainings are offered to individuals from numerous counties throughout the area.
The Vance County Regional Farmers Market may see a higher volume than some of the other area markets because of tourism – folks visiting Kerr Lake or traveling along I-85 may choose to stop in, he noted.
He would like to see the Vance market be an incubator market for others who are just getting started in growing produce or for those who are interested in expanding their existing production.
The Vance County Regional Farmers Market will have a new feature this year, if all goes according to plan.
Ellington said volunteers and others have been whacking away at kudzu to create a community garden on the campus of the farmers market.
More volunteers are needed at upcoming workdays, he said:
- Mar. 21 – working on establishing garden borders – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
- Mar. 29 – marking walkways and preparing for stone installation – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
- Apr. 11 – installing garden beds – 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
“We want to have the community realize that this is their market, and the garden is theirs,” Ellington said. The community garden would be a perfect spot for those who want a garden but lack the space or the confidence to plant, tend and harvest on their own.