Be careful when burning debris in spring

Wildfire risk typically higher from March to May

RALEIGH – The N.C. Forest Service is urging residents across the state to think safety and exercise caution during the spring fire season, which typically lasts from March to May.

“During the spring fire season, people do a lot of yard work that often includes burning leaves and yard debris,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “There are many factors to consider before doing any burning.”

North Carolinians thinking about burning debris should contact their county ranger for advice first, Troxler said. “The ranger can help maximize safety for people, property and the forest.”

Follow guidelines to reduce risk of wildfire

For people who choose to burn debris, the NCFS urges them to adhere to the following tips to protect property and prevent wildfires:

  • Consider alternatives to burning. Some yard debris, such as leaves and grass, may be more valuable if composted.
  • Check with your county fire marshal’s office for local laws on burning debris. Some communities allow burning only during specified hours; others forbid it entirely.
  • Make sure you have an approved burning permit, which can be obtained at any NCFS office, county-approved burning permit agent, or online at
  • Check the weather. Don’t burn if conditions are dry or windy.
  • Only burn natural vegetation from your property. Burning household trash or any other man-made materials is illegal. Trash should be hauled away to a convenience center.
  • Plan burning for the late afternoon when conditions are typically less windy and more humid.
  • If you must burn, be prepared. Use a shovel or hoe to clear a perimeter around the area where you plan to burn.
  • Keep fire tools ready. To control the fire, you will need a hose, bucket, a steel rake and a shovel for tossing dirt on the fire.
  • Never use flammable liquids such as kerosene, gasoline or diesel fuel to speed burning.
  • Stay with your fire until it is completely out. In North Carolina, human carelessness leads to more wildfires than any other cause. In fact, debris burning is the No. 1 cause of wildfires in the state.
  • These same tips hold true for campfires and barbecues, too. Douse burning charcoal briquettes or campfires thoroughly with water. When the coals are soaked, stir them and soak them again. Be sure they are out cold and carefully feel to be sure they are extinguished. Never dump hot ashes or coals into a wooded area.
  • Burning agriculture residue and forestland litter: In addition to the guidelines above, a fire line should be plowed around the area to be burned. Large fields should be separated into small plots for burning one at a time. Before doing any burning in a wooded area, contact your county ranger, who will weigh all factors, explain them and offer technical advice.

For more information on ways you can prevent wildfires and loss of property visit

Granville County Public Schools Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Begins

Time to register for

Pre-K and Kindergarten


Plan to register your child at the school within your attendance zone.

If you’re not sure which school your child should attend, call 919-693-6412.




Thursday, April 6

1:30pm – 6:00pm

  CG Credle


Tues-Thurs, April 4,5,6

7:30am – 5:00pm



Wednesday, March 29

8:00am – 6:00pm

Joe Toler-Oak Hill


Wednesday, March 29

7:00am – 5:00pm

  Mt. Energy


Thursday, April 6

7:00am – 6:00pm



Thursday, April 6

8:00am – 6:30pm

Tar River


Tuesday, March 28

7:00am – 7:00pm

  West Oxford


Tuesday, March 28

7:30am – 6:00pm




Thursday, April 6

8:30am – 6:00pm

Pre-K application deadline is June 9th!

Your child does not have to be present to be registered, but you will need to take along the following:

  • Proof of residence (current electric, city gas or city water bill, OR signed lease agreement)
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s immunization record
  • Proof of income for Pre-K


Call your assigned school OR Call 919-725 1816 OR Email

Stan Winborne, Ed.D.
Director of High Schools
Director of Career & Technical Education Program
Public Information Officer
Granville County Schools
Phone (919) 693-4613
Fax (919) 693-7391

Oxford Public Works, Water and Infrastructure Committee to Meet


MARCH 9, 2017


The Public Works, Water, & Infrastructure Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss grants, loans, and project updates.  All those interested are invited to attend.


Cynthia Bowen

Interim City Clerk

City of Oxford

Smoke West of Henderson is Controlled Burn

According to a Vance County employee, the on-again-off-again smoke visible west of Henderson is a controlled burn.  WIZS News was told that the controlled burn is taking place on Fairport Road.  One hundred or more acres are believed to be part of the controlled burn by the North Carolina Forestry Service.

The smoke was visible at times from Ruin Creek Road and Dabney Drive early this afternoon.  The story cover photo was taken at the intersection of Vance Academy Road and U.S. 158 Business.  Thick puffy clouds make the actual smoke harder to see.

Dr. Howard Retires from role at Granville County Superintendent

After over 30 years of service, our Superintendent, Dr. Dorwin Howard has made the decision to retire.  Dr. Howard assumed the leadership role during a tumultuous time and must be commended for calming any concerns in our Granville County Public School system.  Now the school board is in the process of identifying candidates and hiring the next leader of our schools.  The school board is using a variety of communication methods to get your input.

This letter is merely a request of our residents to stay engaged, and to provide the school board with your input on this important search process.  You can do this in a variety of ways: complete the online survey on the school district website; or, obtain a paper copy at any of our schools; and/or, attend the Granville County School Board meeting on March 6 and share your comments.

Please keep in mind the deadline for this process is March 27.  The results of the survey and community input will be presented at the April 3 Board of Education meeting.

Selection of new leadership is crucial to moving our county forward.  We want your input.  Make your voice heard.



The School Board Members of Granville County

Falls Lake Academy Still Accepting Applications for 2017-2018

Press Release

Creedmoor, NC– Falls Lake Academy is a tuition-free public school. Any child who is qualified under the laws of North Carolina for admission to a public school is qualified for admission to FLA. FLA does not limit admission to students on the basis of intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, disability, race, creed, gender, national origin, religion or ancestry. Children must be 5 (or older) on or before August 31, 2017 to be eligible for Kindergarten during the 2017-2018 school year.

Falls Lake Academy will be taking applications beginning January 3rd, 2017 and ending at 5:00 p.m. on March 3rd, 2017. Applications will be accepted for Kindergarten through 11th grade for the 2017-2018 school year. We are excited to continue our expansion into high school with the first graduating class to be the Class of 2019!

We will host open house/tours on Wednesday, February 22nd for prospective new students and parents interested in learning more about our school.  During the open house, there will be a brief information and question session followed by an opportunity to tour the building and classrooms.  Elementary families should arrive at 6:30pm and Middle and High School families should arrive at 7:30 p.m.

Visit and click on the “Join Us” tab to enroll.  Or stop by the school for paper applications.  Spanish translation assistance is available at school if needed.

Falls Lake Academy, Exceeding Excellence!

GCPS School Board Seeks Public Input on Superintendent Search

Press Release

Granville County Board of Education

February 7, 2017

The Granville County Board of Education has hired the North Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA) to help facilitate its search for the next Superintendent of Granville County Public Schools (GCPS). To that end, the board is seeking direct input from interested members of the staff and community to help shape the search process and assist in defining the qualities and characteristics of the next GCPS superintendent.

The board invites parents and community members to participate in a short community survey that can be accessed and completed online by clicking the survey link on the main GCPS webpage: All surveys must be completed by Monday, March 27, 2017 with results to be compiled, summarized, and presented by NCSBA at the regular board meeting on April 3, 2017.

In addition, all employees of GCPS will have an opportunity to complete a separate online staff survey. Details about completing the employee version of the search survey will be communicated via school system email.

Citizens may also sign up to address the board during the public comment period at any of the upcoming regular board meetings, scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on March 6 and April 3. All meetings will be held in the main board room at the GCPS Administrative Offices, located at 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, NC. Citizens must sign up to speak before the meeting begins and must otherwise comply with board policy.

In addition to input received from the surveys and public comment, written statements from any local groups or organizations may be submitted to Allison Schafer via mail at NCSBA, P.O. Box 97877, Raleigh, NC 27624, via email at, or via fax at 919-841-4020. These statements should be received no later than Monday, March 27, 2017.


Stan Winborne, Ed.S.
Director of High Schools
Director of Career & Technical Education Program
Public Information Officer
Granville County Schools

City of Oxford to hold Personnel Committee Meeting


FEBRUARY 9, 2017


The Personnel Committee for the City of Oxford will meet on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 10:00 AM in the Training Room, 1st Floor, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the hiring process, code enforcement position, career development and personnel policy.  All those interested are encouraged to attend.


Barb Rote, CMC

City Clerk,

City of Oxford

300 Williamsboro Street – PO Box 1307

Oxford, North Carolina  27565

Boys and Girls Club fundraiser brings a taste of New Orleans to Granville County

OXFORD – Mardi Gras festivities begin a few days early in Granville County this year when a local venue transforms into a New Orleans-style party spot.

The inaugural Mardi Gras Bash, set for Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, is a fundraiser to benefit the Granville Unit of the Boys and Girls Club. Event organizers, most of them members of the local club’s advisory committee, say they expect this to become an annual “signature” event for the community.

“We are excited for the community and for the club,” said Irene Nichols, a member of the planning committee. “When you step through those doors, you’re going to feel like you are right down on Bourbon Street,” she said.

The fundraiser will be held at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford. “Thorndale Oaks is such a beautiful spot,” said Jackie Sergent, another committee member. “We are delighted to be able to have our event there,” Sergent said. Thorndale’s chef has created a New Orleans-inspired menu for the occasion. The event is from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., with special recognitions and other activities during the evening. Music will be provided by DJ Jay.

Boys and Girls Club members are creating and decorating Mardi Gras masks for the occasion, which will be available for purchase at the event. Local artist Linda Edwards will lead a workshop at the club to help the children create the masks in colorful Mardi Gras fashion.

The local club is in its fourth year of operation in Oxford. It is part of the North Central North Carolina region, which operates clubs in Granville, Vance, Franklin, Warren and Halifax counties. Each local club has an advisory committee which is responsible for local fundraising annually. The club began at Mary Potter Middle School, but soon needed extra space. Elementary school-aged club members spent part of the afternoons at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Then the BGCNCNC accepted building space, formerly used by  Santa Fe Natural Tobacco. The club officially moved to its new spot in summer 2016.

“This is what true community collaboration is all about,” said Laura Gabel, a local advisory committee member. “We got help from the schools and from a local church when we needed it most,” she said. Advisory committee Chairman Xavier Wortham agrees. “This community identified a need for a Boys and Girls Club,” he said, “and now we need to make sure that this community continues to support everything that the club provides.”

Tickets are $50 a person and are available in downtown Oxford at Stovall’s Gifts, Java Dave’s Cafe, Harvest restaurant and The Purple Bird. Tickets also are available from BGC  advisory committee members and online at

For more information, contact Resource Development Director Mary Ann Avery at the BGC corporate office, 919.690.0036.


Mary Ann Avery

Resource Development Director


Sixth Annual Great Landscape Day Planned at the MHCO

6th Annual Great Landscape Day at MHCO – March 18, 2017

It’s that time of year again, March 18, 2017 will mark our 6th Annual Great Landscape Day at the Masonic Home! Thank you for your participation in the past as part of this successful Masonic Home for Children’s event.  This day of service and charity has grown from one single Girl Scout Troop to over 120 individuals representing families, businesses, churches, Lodges, and civic organizations.  The beauty that you and others have given to this Home continues today.  Our thanks again for your help in the past and for your consideration of this year’s event.  We hope you can join us and will invite others to share in this day of help and fellowship!  Come and join us for a good meal (two in fact) and the chance to bring beauty, comfort, and security to the home of a child.

When:           Saturday, March 18, 2017 – (NO RAIN DATE THIS YEAR – CALL FOR UPDATES!)

Where:          Campus of Masonic Home for Children, 600 College St., Oxford, NC

Schedule:      7:30am – 9am – Continental Breakfast for participants

8:30am – 12:00pm – Landscaping Event on Campus

12:00pm – Lunch and Conclusion of Event

Groups can start after 8:30am and/or leave before 12 noon if needed.  Please bring shovels, gloves, wheelbarrow, rakes, and other landscaping implements for your personal use.  A needs list of items that can be given as part of the event is available at  You must RSVP and sign-up on or before March 10, 2017 to participate and must include the number attending.  This is very important to make the most of this day. To RSVP or for more information contact MHCO at 919-603-3930 or


Jennifer Grimes

Financial Development Assistant & Database Manager

The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford, Inc.

600 College Street

Oxford, NC 27565