Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Hold Regular Meeting Dec. 7

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, December 7, 2020, at 6 p.m. at the Mary Potter Center of Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC. Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. To join the livestream meeting, please use the following link:

The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege.

Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting will be required to wear face coverings, undergo health screenings before entering the building, and cooperate with social distancing requirements. There will be limited seating available.

NC State Board of Elections

Counties Complete Recount in Supreme Court Race; Newby Leads by 401 Votes

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

All 100 North Carolina counties have completed the statewide recount in the North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice contest.

After the machine recount, Republican Paul Newby leads Democrat Cheri Beasley by 401 votes out of nearly 5.4 million cast in that race.

“The recount showed minor differences from canvassed vote totals, but did not change the outcome of the contest,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We appreciate the hard work of the county boards of elections throughout the recount process.”

When the recount was requested, the margin between the candidates stood at 406 votes, favoring Newby. Several counties subsequently recanvassed, at which point the margin was 416 votes, favoring Newby.

After the recount, the margin is now 401 votes, favoring Newby.

Minor differences are expected with any recount, as different machines may read stray marks differently.

Pursuant to state law, within 24 hours, Beasley, as the second-place candidate, may demand a hand-to-eye recount in a random sample of 3% of voting sites in each county. The State Board will hold a drawing to determine the random samples.

If the results of a hand-to-eye recount differ from the previous results within those precincts to the extent that extrapolating the amount of the change to the entire state (based on the proportion of ballots recounted to the total votes cast for that office) would result in the reversing of the results, then a statewide hand-to-eye recount of all ballots would be conducted.

Meanwhile, both Supreme Court candidates have filed a total of more than 100 election protests that are either scheduled for consideration by the county boards of elections or have already been heard at the county level and appealed to the State Board. The State Board plans to hear the appeals once the county boards have completed the proceedings.

Here are the protests: General Protest Filings/

Here are the appeals: General Protest Filings/

For 2020 election results, go here: NCSBE Contest Results.

For recount results, go here: 2020 Statewide Recount Results.

Ballot Count Changes by County

County Beasley Newby
ALAMANCE +14 +15
ANSON +1 +1
ASHE 0 -2
AVERY +1 -3
BURKE +1 +2
CAMDEN +2 +2
CATAWBA -21 -22
CLAY 0 -1
DARE 0 +1
DAVIE -1 0
DUPLIN +2 +1
DURHAM -3 +1
FORSYTH +30 -26
GASTON -1 -2
GATES 0 +1
HOKE -5 -3
HYDE 0 +1
JONES +1 -1
LEE -2 -2
LENOIR -4 -1
MACON -3 -2
MOORE 0 +5
NASH +2 0
ONSLOW -3 -2
ORANGE -2 -3
PERSON +7 +9
PITT 0 -3
POLK 0 0
ROWAN -6 -5
STANLY +2 -1
SWAIN -2 -2
UNION +1 -1
VANCE -1 0
WAKE -13 -6
WARREN -1 +1
WAYNE -1 +2
WILKES +1 -5
WILSON -5 -7
YADKIN +1 +3
Grand Total -20 -35

Values in each column represent [County’s Recount # minus County’s Final Canvass #].

Note: Some counties recanvassed after November 13.

Granville Fall Clean Out

‘Fall Clean Out’ Results in More Than 26 Tons of Materials Collected

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County’s annual “Fall Clean Out,” held on Nov. 21, 2020, resulted in the collection of more than 26 tons of materials for recycling and proper disposal. According to Recycling and Sustainability Coordinator Teresa Baker, this year’s drive-through event was the most successful yet, with some vendors at full capacity before the end of the collection day.

The following totals have been reported:

  • Oil-based paints for fuel blend – 15,120 pounds
  • Aerosols for fuel blend or incineration – 700 pounds
  • Assorted household chemicals for incineration – 5,455 pounds
  • Latex-based paint for secure landfill – 11,000 pounds
  • Fluorescent lamps for recycle – 265 pounds (377 each)
  • Gasoline/water mixture – 200 pounds
  • Mercury switches – 10 pounds
  • Scrap metal – 5,380 pounds
  • Electronics -5,109 pounds
  • Batteries – 259 pounds
  • Pesticides – 685 pounds
  • Medicines and sharps – 175 pounds
  • Ammunition – 30 pounds
  • Paper for shredding – 7,800 pounds

In addition, the Granville County Humane Society collected crates, carriers, blankets, flea shampoo, dog/cat food, pet toys and cash donations.

The “Fall Clean Out” is one of two annual collection events held at the Granville County Expo and Convention Center. The spring event is typically held in May.

For more information about recycling and hazardous waste collection in Granville County, please contact Baker at (919) 725-1417 or at

Oxford Christmas Parade

Holiday Events This Week: Oxford Reverse Parade, Butner Christmas Drive-Thru

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce

A reminder of upcoming Granville County holiday events:


Butner Christmas in the Park – Drive-Thru

Date: Friday, December 4, 2020
Location: Gazebo Park
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Load up the kiddies with their letters to Santa and participate in a guided drive-thru at Butner’s Gazebo Park for a celebration of Christmas music and beautiful lights. Visit Santa safely from your car and drop off those letters! Please stay in your car at all times. Sponsored by the Butner Community Association.

The annual Butner Christmas Parade is canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The City of Creedmoor has canceled all events for the remainder of 2020.


Virtual Lighting of the Greens
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020
Time: 6 p.m.

This year, the Lighting of the Greens will take place virtually, with a video release. Tune in on the Oxford NC, Historic Downtown Facebook page (click here) to watch downtown come to life with festive lights and Christmas music!

2020 Reverse Christmas Parade
Date: Friday, December 4, 2020
Time: 6 p.m.

Parade entries are STATIONARY. All spectators must keep moving! No stopping for pictures or videos! MOTOR TRAFFIC will line up on Belle Street, and WALKING TRAFFIC will start on Lanier Street. Follow signs for walkers.

The City of Oxford’s Tis the Season for Giving! Holiday Toy Drive runs thru December 18.

For more information on these events, call Mary Yount at (919) 603-1164 or Christine Luscavich at (919) 603-1101

The MASK-arade (Virtual) Gala

Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020
Dinner delivered to your door – Online auction closes on December 5 at 9 p.m.
$125 per person ~ Black tie (or not).

For more information and to register online, visit

Proceeds to benefit the Granville Health System Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Stem is hosting a town-wide Christmas decoration contest with prizes.


The Town of Stovall has no Christmas activities or events planned.

Area Congregations In Ministry (ACIM) is in need of any non-perishable goods, especially canned goods. For more information, visit or call (919) 690-0961.

Crime Stoppers Community Awards

Crime Stoppers Presents Community Awards for Service, Support


-Press Release and photos, Granville County Government

Granville County Crime Stoppers recently made awards presentations for community service and support. Due to COVID-19 mass gathering restrictions, the annual recognitions, usually made during the annual Crime Stoppers Banquet in October, were made through personal visits by Crime Stoppers President Frank Sossamon.

Award recipients included:

  • Bobby Wheeler – Jim and Nancy Smith Citizenship Award;
  • CertainTeed – Corporate Partnership Award;
  • The Butner-Creedmoor News – Local Business Partnership Award; and
  • Vickie Boyd – Crime Stoppers Board Member of the Year.

The local Crime Stoppers organization was also the recipient of four state awards (out of six recognitions given) through the North Carolina Crime Stoppers Association:

  • Best Promotional Idea – Eat Out Against Crime 2019;
  • Most Innovative Fundraising Idea – Crime Stoppers Annual Banquet 2019;
  • Productivity Award – Populations of 50,000 to 99,000; and
  • N.C. Coordinator of the Year 2019 – Ricky Cates, Creedmoor Police Department.

Crime Stoppers is comprised of members of the community, law enforcement agencies, the media, and businesses who work together to help solve crimes and make our communities a safer place to live, work and raise a family. Citizens are encouraged, through cash rewards and a promise of confidentiality, to provide information leading to the arrest and indictment of criminals.

To provide helpful, anonymous information regarding crime in Granville County, call the Crime Stoppers tip line at (919) 693-3100 or the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at (919) 693-3213.

Click here for the story and photos recognizing the Granville County Crime Stoppers 2020 Law Enforcement Officers of the Year.

(Left to right): Mr. Jim Smith, for whom the annual Jim and Nancy Smith Citizenship Award is named; honoree Bobby Wheeler; and Crime Stoppers President Frank Sossamon.

(Left to right): Teresa Gladden, representing Certain Teed, Corporate Partner of the Year; and Frank Sossamon, Crime Stoppers President.

(Left to right): Crime Stoppers Board Member Bobby Wheeler; Butner-Creedmoor News Editor Shawn Taylor, Local Business Partner of the Year; and Crime Stoppers President Frank Sossamon.

(Left to right): Crime Stoppers Board Member of the Year Vickie Boyd; and President Frank Sossamon.

(Left to right): Crime Stoppers Board Member Bobby Wheeler; President Frank Sossamon; Ricky Cates, Creedmoor Police Department, Statewide Coordinator of the Year.

Local News Audio

Noon News 12-1-20 Covid19; Crossroads Christian; Christmas Lights; HPD Recert; Man Sentenced; ACTS


Stories include:

– Covid19 update

– Crossroads Christian pauses athletics due to Covid19

– Christmas lights in Downtown Henderson

– City Council meets on urban redevelopment

– Henderson Police Dept. begins recertification process

– Oxford man sentenced on firearms charges

– ACTS food pantry drive.

For full details and audio click play


Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH COVID Update: Increase in Active Cases, Outbreaks at Long-Term Care Facilities


-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

GVPH provided the following update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of November 30, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Vance County

Total Cases: 1,748
Active Cases: 535

Total Cases in Community: 1,569
Active Cases: 486
Cases Off-Isolation: 1,063

Total Cases at Long-Term Care Facilities: 179
Active Cases: 49
Cases Off-Isolation: 94

There is currently an outbreak at Senior Citizens Home.

Total Hospitalized with COVID-19: 26

Total Deaths: 56
Community: 20
Pelican Nursing Home: 14
Kerr Lake Nursing Home: 12
Senior Citizens Home: 10

Unfortunately, another death has been reported associated with the outbreak at Senior Citizens. A 93-year-old female passed away on Nov. 28.

Granville County

Total Cases: 2,547
Active Cases: 330

Total Cases in Community: 1,808
Active Cases: 296
Cases Off-Isolation: 1,503

Total Cases at Federal Prison: 530
Active Cases: 4
Cases Off-Isolation: 504

Total Cases at Long-Term Care Facilities: 209
Active Cases: 30
Cases Off-Isolation: 153

There are currently outbreaks at Universal Health Care, Murdoch Development Center, Granville House, RHA Health Services – Stem and Polk Correctional Institution.

Total Hospitalized with COVID-19: 6

Total Deaths: 57
Community: 9
Central Regional: 1
Granville House: 2
Murdoch Development Center: 2
Universal Health Care: 21
Federal Prison: 22

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit GVPH’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard (click here) for tables and graphs that are updated daily.

Oxford Logo

City of Oxford’s First Holiday Toy Drive in Full Swing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The City of Oxford is proud to bring the 1st Annual Holiday Toy Drive to the community. Donations of new, unwrapped toys for children are needed.

Donations can be brought to Oxford City Hall, located at 300 Williamsboro St., by December 18, 2020.

Toys are needed for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years old, as well as for a baby (girl) on the way. No toy shall be turned away!

If you are interested in more specific information, please call (919) 603-1102.


Winter Heating Assistance Available to Qualifying Seniors, Disabled

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NCDHHS

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced it will issue an automated payment to thousands of eligible households to help with winter heating expenses via the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.

The automated payment will be issued beginning Dec. 1 and is designed to help eligible seniors and people with disabilities access winter heating assistance in a safe and socially distanced manner during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“More of our neighbors may be facing financial hardships because of COVID-19, and this funding can help eligible households with their heating expenses this winter,” said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, M.D. “We want to ensure seniors and people with disabilities are healthy and safe during a difficult time of the year.”

Eligible households may qualify to receive an automated payment for the 2020-2021 LIEAP season if a member of the household 1) is age 60 or older or a person with a disability receiving services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services, 2) currently receives Food and Nutrition Services and 3) received LIEAP during the 2019-2020 season. These households will be notified of eligibility in November and do not need to apply for this benefit.

Any household with a person age 60 or older or with a disability receiving DAAS services who does not receive notice of an automated payment is encouraged to practice social distancing and submit a paper application for LIEAP assistance through U.S. Mail or fax to their local department of social services. Applications may also be dropped off at the local DSS, and applicants may contact their local DSS for information on how to obtain a paper application.

Beginning Jan. 2, 2021, all other households may apply online through the ePASS portal at or submit a paper application through mail, fax or dropping it off at their local DSS, but they do not have to go into the agency to apply. Individuals may also contact their local DSS to apply. All household applications will be accepted from Jan. 2, 2020, to March 31, 2021, or until funds are exhausted.

To be eligible for the LIEAP program, a household must:

  • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria
  • Have income equal to or less than 130% of the federal poverty limit
  • Have resources, such as saving and checking accounts and cash on hand, at or below $2,250
  • Be responsible for their heating cost

For more information on the program and eligibility, visit

U.S. Department of Justice

Oxford Man Sentenced on Firearm Charge After Attempting to Flee From Police

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

Xavier Santonio Bobbitt of Oxford was sentenced today to 36 months in prison for possessing firearms as a convicted felon. No stranger to federal courts, this was Bobbitt’s third conviction for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

According to court documents and statements made in court, on January 21, 2020, an officer of the Oxford Police Department was traveling along College Street in Oxford, North Carolina, when he observed a silver 2005 Buick LeSabre improperly pass another vehicle at high speed. The LaSabre continued at a high speed as the officer pursued. The vehicle eventually came to an abrupt stop. The driver, later identified as Xavier Bobbitt, jumped from the vehicle and ran.  Officers apprehended Bobbitt on foot shortly thereafter.

A nearby witness advised law enforcement that someone threw two firearms from the passenger side window of the vehicle as it stopped. Officers recovered the firearms, a Springfield .45 caliber pistol loaded with 29 rounds in an extended magazine and a Stag Arms 5.56 caliber rifle loaded with 28 rounds of ammunition. Both had been reported stolen. In the car’s trunk, officers found a black mesh bag that contained various caliber ammunition, two loaded pistol magazines, and a loaded drum magazine.

Bobbitt was transported to Oxford PD, where he waived his Miranda Rights and was interviewed. He said he bought the firearms off the street and had instructed his passenger to throw them out the window when he realized they were going to be stopped by the police.

This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. Since 2017, the United States Department of Justice has reinvigorated the PSN program and has targeted violent criminals, directing all U.S. Attorney’s Offices to work in partnership with federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and the local community to develop effective, locally-based strategies to reduce violent crime.

That effort has been implemented through the Take Back North Carolina Initiative of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina. This initiative emphasizes the regional assignment of federal prosecutors to work with law enforcement and District Attorney’s Offices in those communities on a sustained basis to reduce the violent crime rate, drug trafficking, and crimes against law enforcement.

Robert J. Higdon, Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina made the announcement after sentencing by Chief U.S. District Judge Terrence W. Boyle. The Oxford Police Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) investigated the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jake D. Pugh prosecuted the case.