Franklin Judicial Complex Expansion Could Begin As Early As October 2024
The Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved the next steps in the judicial complex expansion project
Oakley Collier Architects presented the updated site plan and building layouts for a renovated Courthouse Annex and a three-story addition to commissioners at their April meeting.
Construction could begin as early as October.
Back in October 2019, county leaders made the project a priority and commissioners approved funding for initial surveys and designs in November 2021. A few months after that, commissioners got a judicial update which provided options for placement of the judicial complex on the site. Ultimately, locating expanded facilities adjacent to the current Courthouse Annex in Louisburg minimized the need for more new construction.
This project is brought about by the population growth the county has experiences in recent years, which brings with it increased demands to the courts system and other offices housed in the facility, including the clerk of court’s office.
Dockets for District Court and Superior Court have grown as the County population has increased which has expanded District Attorney staff numbers.
According to N.C. General Statute 7A-302, “each county in which a district court has been established, courtrooms, office space for juvenile court counselors and support staff…shall be provided by the county….”
Legislators granted $15 million in the new state budget to be used for the construction of judicial facilities in Franklin County – taking some of the financial burden off of Franklin County and its taxpayers. The funds must be used by October 2025 per the FY23 State Budget.
“Franklin County leadership appreciates the support for this identified need from our state legislators,” said Franklin County Manager Kim Denton.
Franklin County Historic Courthouse (Historic Courthouse) was built in the mid-1800s and has served for nearly 200 years. It was last renovated in 2014. The building houses the Clerk of Superior Court offices, Superior Court Courtroom and the Resident Superior Court Judge and supporting staff.
The Judge Hamilton H. Hobgood Courthouse Annex (Courthouse Annex) was built in 1995 – the last judicial construction in Franklin County – after the County renovated a hardware store to expand judicial facilities. The Courthouse Annex contains the District Courtroom, a portion of the Clerk of Superior Court’s office, and the Resident District Court Judge and supporting staff offices. The Register of Deeds is also located in the Courthouse Annex.
Both buildings house portions of the District Attorney’s office, Guardian ad Litem and Juvenile Justice offices.