Franklin Judicial Complex Expansion Could Begin As Early As October 2024

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved the next steps in the judicial complex expansion project

Oakley Collier Architects presented the updated site plan and building layouts for a renovated Courthouse Annex and a three-story addition to commissioners at their April meeting.

Construction could begin as early as October.

Back in October 2019, county leaders made the project a priority and commissioners approved funding for initial surveys and designs in November 2021. A few months after that, commissioners got a judicial update which provided options for placement of the judicial complex on the site. Ultimately, locating expanded facilities adjacent to the current Courthouse Annex in Louisburg minimized the need for more new construction.

This project is brought about by the population growth the county has experiences in recent years, which brings with it increased demands to the courts system and other offices housed in the facility, including the clerk of court’s office.

Dockets for District Court and Superior Court have grown as the County population has increased which has expanded District Attorney staff numbers.

According to N.C. General Statute 7A-302, “each county in which a district court has been established, courtrooms, office space for juvenile court counselors and support staff…shall be provided by the county….”

Legislators granted $15 million in the new state budget to be used for the construction of judicial facilities in Franklin County – taking some of the financial burden off of Franklin County and its taxpayers. The funds must be used by October 2025 per the FY23 State Budget.


“Franklin County leadership appreciates the support for this identified need from our state legislators,” said Franklin County Manager Kim Denton.

Franklin County Historic Courthouse (Historic Courthouse) was built in the mid-1800s and has served for nearly 200 years. It was last renovated in 2014. The building houses the Clerk of Superior Court offices, Superior Court Courtroom and the Resident Superior Court Judge and supporting staff.

The Judge Hamilton H. Hobgood Courthouse Annex (Courthouse Annex) was built in 1995 – the last judicial construction in Franklin County – after the County renovated a hardware store to expand judicial facilities.  The Courthouse Annex contains the District Courtroom, a portion of the Clerk of Superior Court’s office, and the Resident District Court Judge and supporting staff offices. The Register of Deeds is also located in the Courthouse Annex.

Both buildings house portions of the District Attorney’s office, Guardian ad Litem and Juvenile Justice offices.

Youngsville Library Closed For Renovations Into May; Due Dates For Materials Extended To June 4

The Youngsville branch of the Franklin County Library will be closed temporarily for renovations through the month of April into May.

The book drop also will be closed and due dates for all materials checked out from Youngsville have been extended to June 4, according to information from Franklin County Public Information Officer James F. Hicks III.

The branch is still expected to host an early voting site for the upcoming second primary on May 14.

The main branch in Louisburg and the Franklinton and Bunn branches are open.

Like or follow the Franklin County NC Library Facebook page for updates on reopening.


Franklin Co. Commissioners To Form Capital Committee To Study School Facilities’ Needs

-information courtesy of Franklin County Public Information Officer James F. Hicks III

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to support creation of a Capital Committee in response to the Franklin County Schools Report, published in September 2023.

“The Board wholeheartedly supports establishing a Capital Committee to address the school capital needs for Franklin County Schools,” said Chairman Harry Foy, who added that the commissioners also would support visiting school facilities and working with the school board and county staff to address capital needs.

In addition to visiting facilities, the committee also will “plan, prioritize, and consult data, other experts and resources as needed to recommend mutually agreeable and cost-efficient capital projects.”

Part of Franklin County’s mission states that the county strives to “create a bright future for our county’s students and residents by keeping educational goals and facilities current and relevant to the economic demands of the County.”

Commissioners directed county representatives on the committee to prioritize projects to ensure compliance with N.C. General Statutes and other legal requirements, with an eye on maintaining cost-effective priorities that recognize the impact on taxpayers and support improvements of the educational environment through compliance with goals and a commitment to safe schools.

“The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education are in agreement that capital needs must be addressed for Franklin County Schools,” Foy said.

The committee is comprised of two members from the board of commissioners, two members from the board of education, the county manager or designee, school superintendent or designee, chief of Auxiliary Services, assistant county manager and the finance directors from Franklin County Schools and Franklin County.

4-H Dairy Program Interest Meeting April 25 For Warren, Franklin Youth

A 4-H Dairy Program interest meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Apr. 25 at the Franklin County Cooperative Extension office, 103 S. Bickett Blvd. in Louisburg.

Youngsters and their parents who want to learn more about the project are welcome to attend and get answers to questions they may have.

The program spans eight weeks, during which participants will have the chance to learn about dairy calves as they prepare for a local livestock show. In addition to learning about livestock handling, the youth will learn problem solving, effective communication and public speaking, record keeping, teamwork and more.

Contact the Franklin County Center at 919.496.3344 to learn more or email local agents, or

Register at

Franklin Property Owners Have Extra Week To File Appeal Revaluations

— Information courtesy of Franklin County Public Information Officer James F. Hicks III

Franklin County’s Board of Commissioners extended the deadline to file an informal appeal in the 2024 Tax Revaluation process by one week – from Apr. 6 to Apr. 13.

Informal appeal forms were attached to the Change of Value notices that were sent out on Mar. 6, according to information from Franklin County Public Information Officer James F. Hicks III. Forms can be found at Informal appeal forms can be emailed to or submitted online at the Tax Department’s page of

Revaluation staff can be reached at 844.286.3532 or for any questions about this process.

Additionally, the Board of Equalization and Review — which will convene on Apr. 15 — will consider any formal appeals that are filed. If unsatisfied with the decision of the Board of Equalization and Review, the property owner can file an appeal with the N.C. Property Tax Commission within 30 days of the decision by the Board of Equalization and Review.

Property owners can appeal the market value if the assessed value is significantly higher or lower than the actual current market value, the assessed value is based on inaccurate data, or the assessed value is not equitable when compared to similar properties in the market area.

NCDMV Employs Online Tools To Tackle Customer No-Shows

– Information courtesy of NCDMV

To combat folks not showing up for their scheduled appointments at driver license offices, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles is now requiring new appointments to be confirmed.

In the month of February, 33.5 percent of appointments were no-shows, according to NCDMV officials.

“This confirmation process is necessary to address the high no-show rate for appointments we have been experiencing in our driver license offices,” said DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin.

Now, when appointments are reserved online at, customers will receive a text message and email with a confirmation link and they will need to confirm their appointment by clicking either link within 15 minutes, or the appointment will be canceled. Upon confirming their appointment, customers will receive a text and email notification letting them know the appointment was successfully confirmed.

Four days before the appointment, customers will receive a reminder text and email with a confirmation link. Within 24 hours, customers will need to again confirm their appointment. Once confirmed, another email and text will be generated confirming the appointment.

For appointments booked less than four days out, the second confirmation link will not be sent.

“Folks are used to having to confirm their medical and other appointments in this way,”  Goodwin said, “so we’re applying this standard from the private sector to our business model and expecting good results and increased appointment availability.”

A handful of self-service kiosks have opened up in grocery stores in Raleigh, Charlotte and Fayetteville that allows for a variety of DMV transactions. There are additional online tools Walk-In Wait Time Tool and Q-Anywhere to cut down on customers’ wait time in DMV offices.

Franklin County Names New Parks & Rec Director

Information courtesy of Franklin County Public Information Officer James Hicks

Franklin County has selected KP Kilpatrick as its new Parks & Recreation director. Kilpatrick will begin work April 1.

“I can’t wait to get started here in Franklin County to be a part of the great things going on in the Parks & Recreation Department,” Kilpatrick said.

Kilpatrick has been Athletic Program Specialist for the town of Wake Forest since 2018. Prior to that, Kilpatrick served as Athletic Coordinator for the city of Lexington, Recreation Center director for the city of Thomasville, and an assistant coach at High Point Central High School.  Kilpatrick also served as a police officer for the City of Winston-Salem for five years.

“KP brings a wealth of experience that will benefit Franklin County’s Parks & Recreation department,” Assistant County Manager Will Doerfer said.

Kilpatrick graduated from N.C. A&T State University with a bachelor’s degree in recreation administration and a master’s degree in sport management from Middle Tennessee State University.

Franklin County Welcomes Louisburg Native Cooper Bolton As Staff Attorney

information courtesy of Franklin County Public Information Officer James F. Hicks III

Franklin County has selected Cooper Bolton to fill the staff attorney position. He will begin his new job April 1.

“I am excited to join the dedicated team at Franklin County to assist with legal matters and do my part to improve the community where I grew up,” Bolton said.

Bolton comes to Franklin County from Marcilliat, & Mills, PLLC. He has served as an associate attorney since September 2022, representing clients in North Carolina State Court as well as Federal Court. He has previously interned with the Town of Cary’s Legal Department and the Alamance County District Attorney’s Office.

“Franklin County’s growth has resulted in an increased interest and demand for services and projects which require legal input,” County Manager Kim Denton said. “Cooper will help us expedite the review of legal matters in response to this growth.”

Bolton is a native of Franklin County and grew up in Louisburg. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in political science from N.C. State University and a juris doctorate from Campbell University School of Law. He is admitted to practice in North Carolina and the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of North Carolina.

The Board of Commissioners approved adding a staff attorney to the County Manager’s office in December 2023. The staff attorney will complete legal work under the direction of the county attorney.

Vance Sheriff Curtis Brame: Two Arrested On Drugs, Weapons Charges

– Information from Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame

On Friday, Mar. 8, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant for illegal drugs at a residence located at 87 Pueblo Lane near the Vance and Franklin county line.  Entry into the home was gained by tactical units from both counties. No injuries were reported.

Two men were arrested and charged with various drug offenses:

Demarius Vass was charged with:

Possession of a Weapon of Mass Destruction (A Glock pistol converted to fully automatic)

Felony Maintaining a Dwelling

Possession of Marijuana

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Vass was placed under a $20,000 bond.

A second person, Jatavious Boyd, was charged with:

Possession with Intent to Sell and Deliver Heroin (2 Counts)

Felony Maintaining a Dwelling

Possession of Marijuana

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (2 Counts)

Possession of a Firearm by a Felon

No bond was issued for Boyd because at the time of his arrest, he was out on bond for a previous charge.

Law enforcement officers recovered 100 Dosage Units of Heroin as well as approximately 2 grams of a substance suspected to be Cocaine Hydrochloride.  Four firearms and an undisclosed amount of US Currency was also seized.

Multi-Agency investigations into illegal drug trafficking will continue throughout both Vance and Franklin counties, to include the assistance of the NCSBI and other local jurisdictions.



SportsTalk: Former KVA Baseball Standout R.J. Johnson Returns To NC

Rutgers University in New Jersey may seem like a long ways away from North Carolina but former Kerr Vance Academy and current Rutgers standout baseball player R. J. Johnson gets back to the area more than one might think.  “We are here almost every weekend,” Johnson said on SportsTalk.  Johnson and Rutgers were in the state this week as the school took on UNC.  The school plays a lot of teams in the south due to weather conditions during the early spring.

Johnson, an outfielder, is having a great season as a leadoff batter with a .300 batting average helping Rutgers to a 10-5 record so far this season.  Johnson, a Franklin County native and 2021 graduate of KVA, is looking forward to the rest of the season.  “We are in a rough patch right now but the future is bright,” Johnson said.

His advice for younger players?  “Always work hard and have fun everyday,” he says.  His former coach at KVA, Mike Rigsbee, had this to say about his former player: “He’s a great player and a great student.”