Cardinal Innovations Healthcare to Hold Free Presentation on Services

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Nancy Hux, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

There will be a free presentation to help citizens understand what services are available through Cardinal Innovations Healthcare, and how to access services, including emergency services, provider network, and wellness centers.

Learn how Cardinal Innovations Healthcare can help those in need of resources and services, with or without insurance.

This free event will be held Thursday, July 25, 2019, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Baskerville Funeral Home, 104 S. Chestnut Street, Henderson, N.C.

To register or for more information, contact Nancy Hux (252) 431-4018 or email Nancy.hux@cardinalinnovations.org

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