Bread, Check! Milk, Check! Prepare For Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Southerners have long been the butt of jokes about preparing for winter weather: We flock to grocery stores and hit the milk and bread sections, leaving behind empty, bare shelves in our wake.

But there are plenty of other suggestions that people here in the South – and elsewhere – should keep in mind when the threat of snow, sleet and ice is in the forecast, and Chris Tucker and the folks at Warren County Emergency Services have issued a comprehensive checklist to review – just in case the forecasters are correct about Wednesday and Thursday’s inclement weather.

  1. Prepare Your Home and Family
  1. Ensure Your Vehicle Is Ready
  1. Prepare for Snow Removal
  1. Stay Informed
  1. Ensure the Safety of Your Pets
  1. Check on Vulnerable Neighbors
  1. Prepare for Power Outages
  1. Stay Off the Roads
  1. Review Your Insurance and Property Protection
  1. Plan Your Post-Storm Recovery
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