Entries by WIZS Staff

Congressman Don Davis Will Have Mobile Office At VGCC Tuesday, July 9

The office of Congressman Don Davis is setting up a mobile office in Henderson on Tuesday, July 9 at Vance-Granville Community College. Area residents can come to Building 9 at the VGCC Main Campus between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to request assistance with federal agencies, including VA benefits, Social Security, Medicare, the IRS, Citizens […]

Granville Selects Lindsey Davidson For Newly Created Finance Role

Granville County has named Lindsey Davidson to fill a newly created position of assistant finance director. Davidson begins the job on Monday, July 8, having served 11 years in a variety of roles within finance operations of Granville Health System. “Lindsey brings an incredible wealth of knowledge, experience, and leadership to our organization,” said  Granville […]

NCDOT Seeks Input On Granville Roadway Projects

Granville County residents are invited to provide feedback on some highway improvement projects on the NCDOT 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Plan. Comments will be accepted until July 17 at the following link: https://live.metroquestsurvey.com/?u=oq8i8y#!/?p=web&pm=dynamic&popup=IntroPopup Once the July 17 deadline has passed, NCDOT will release regional project scores and public feedback will be used to determine what amount […]

Warren Industrial Site Project Gets Golden LEAF Funding

Warren County was recently awarded $42,500 from the Golden LEAF Foundation that will be used for the county’s Hwy 1 Industrial Site. The Warren County grant is one of 10 projects totaling more than $4.4 million in grant funds. “The need for industrial sites, especially in rural areas, is no longer a luxury but a […]

Community Info Series: Insurance Coverage For Everyone

Life insurance coverage is the topic of next installment in a community information series presented by Charlie Baskerville. The session will be held on Tuesday, July 9 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Baskerville Funeral Home chapel, located at 104 S. Chestnut St. in Henderson. Phyllis Elam, a licensed agent, will present information […]

Rebuilding Hope’s Camp For Youth To Sharpen Construction Skills

There’s still time to register your young people for Rebuilding Hope’s annual Kids’ Construction Camp that will take place in early August, but don’t wait too long to sign up – space is limited. The three-day camp will run from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Monday, Aug. 5 through Wednesday Aug. 7 at the Rebuilding […]

Maria Parham Hosts Seminar On Sports Injuries Of The Knee

– information courtesy of Donna Young, Maria Parham Marketing & Communication Coordinator Maria Parham Health is hosting a seminar led by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mark Messmer, titled “Sports Injuries of the Knee,” on Wednesday, July 17 in the hospital’s John T. Church Classroom. The seminar will begin at 1 p.m. and will include lunch. Messmer will explore and […]

N.C. Forest Service Set To Begin Annual Tree Seedling Sale

 – information courtesy of the N.C. Forest Service The N.C. Forest Service will begin accepting orders Monday, July 1, for its annual tree seedling sale. With an average annual production of 16 million seedlings, the NCFS Nursery Program produces enough native and genetically improved tree seedlings to plant roughly 30,000 acres of land, equivalent to […]