Entries by WIZS Staff

TownTalk: Duke Energy Progress

As the wind and rain from Tropical Storm Debby continued to pelt the entire WIZS listening area Thursday morning, Duke Energy officials said power outages were limited at that time around Henderson and Vance County. Duke Spokesman Garrett Poorman reminded customers to think Safety First. There are several ways to report a power outage in […]

The Local Skinny! Granville Vance Publilc Health Updates Social Media

Granville Vance Public Health Director Lisa Harrison and her team maintain a laser focus on community health and providing services that improve residents’ well-being. But there’s a newly formed team within the health department that has the task of tweaking the ways that people in the community learn about the wide scope of services available […]

TownTalk: Proper Political Sign Placement

With the upcoming election just more than three months away, Vance County Republican Party Chairman Jimmy Barrier reminds local residents that although political signs may be placed on private property, campaigners are supposed to wait until 30 days before early voting begins to place signs in public right-of-way spaces. That day for the Nov. 5 […]

Vance County Vipers Football Jamboree Moved to Wednesday, Aug. 14

The Vance County High School football Jamboree has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 6 p.m., but Head Coach Aaron Elliott is trying to look on the bright side and make the best of the situation, brought on by the approaching Tropical Storm Debby and forecasts of heavy rains. In the “plus” category, Elliott […]

Perry Memorial Library – Summer Reading Program Big Success

Participants of the first Story Time at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market will be nice and dry Wednesday morning (or were nice and dry depending on when you are reading this) and safe from the rains from Tropical Storm Debby. It’s National Farmers Market Week, and Perry Memorial Library is joining in the celebration […]