Entries by WIZS Staff

The Local Skinny! Events at Perry Memorial Library

Springtime is just around the corner, and Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters is gearing up for a busy time, filled with themed programs wedged in between the regular favorites. “We will be getting really busy,” Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! February was filled with programs to observe Black […]

TownTalk: Chestnut St. Park Update, Basketball Court Renovations Underway

Anyone who’s driven by Chestnut Street Park since last weekend surely has noticed that there’s something going on – a transformation is taking place at the park, and Charles Turrentine, Jr. is happy to see the renovation get underway. Turrentine cares about his community – Henderson, Vance County and certainly the area where he grew […]

Cooperative Extension with Micah Sharpe: All Things 4-H

On the Vance County Cooperative Extension Report with Micah Sharpe: This week marks the start of the 4-H Science Embryology Program. Where local schools will participate in a hands-on 3-week experience. Students will have the chance to learn about the development of life from eggs to chicks and gain an up close look at the […]

The Local Skinny! Wildfire Season is Upon Us

A brush fire on Edwards Road in Vance County burned about 10 acres of land, and firefighters and forestry service crews were able to get things under control to prevent the fire from spreading further. “We did have a busy weekend, both locally and statewide,” said N.C. Forestry Service Ranger Rob Montague, whose territory includes […]

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Tree Care Professionals

On Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Protecting your trees by hiring the correct Tree Care Professional. Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs. Click Play! WIZS Radio · Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Tree Care Professionals

TownTalk: Kerr-Tar Senior Games Coming Up

Registration continues through Friday, Mar. 7 for the upcoming Senior Games and Silver Arts, giving area seniors a chance to participate in a variety of sports as well as photography, crafts, handiwork and literary compositions. The events will take place between Mar. 21 and May 16 throughout the five counties that make up the Kerr-Tar […]