Entries by WIZS Staff

Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Vance County Regional Farmers Market is open on Saturdays 8am-1pm. “So You Want to be a Beekeeper” Workshop, will take place on December 9th, at 6pm at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. The Vance and Warren County Beekeepers Association will meet on December […]

Warren County Planning For ‘America 250’ Celebration

In 2026, the nation commemorates the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources has created America 250 NC to guide the commemoration in the state. Whether you call it the semiquincentennial, bisesquicentennial, the sestercentennial or the Quarter Millennial, – all of which refer […]

VCS Student Spotlight Winners

 — information courtesy of Grace Herndon, VCS Communication & Innovative Support Vance County Schools recognizes two elementary school students for Student Spotlight honors in November. Kaylor Cross from Dabney Elementary and Ireana Tuck of New Hope Elementary each demonstrate strong leadership qualities and make exceptional contributions at their respective schools. The Student Spotlight program, sponsored […]

TownTalk: Youth Mental Health First Aid

An upcoming workshop at Henderson City Hall is designed to help participants recognize signs that a young person may be experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as offer ways to step in to connect them to agencies and resources that can help. The all-day mental health first aid workshop will be held Saturday, Dec. […]

TownTalk: Vance County Board Of Commissioners Reorganization Meeting

The Vance County Board of Commissioners elected Sean Alston to chair the 7-member board and Carolyn Faines was elected as vice-chair at the regular monthly meeting Monday night. In other action, the commissioners added June 19 – Juneteenth – to the list of county-observed holidays and approved dates for its regular monthly meetings, which will […]

The Local Skinny! Perry Memorial Library Gears Up For Christmas

If you see kids filing in to Perry Memorial Library Wednesday evening in their pj’s and slippers, don’t be alarmed. They’re just following instructions from Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters – it’s Pajama Storytime at the library! With temperatures more in line with what it’s supposed to feel like in early December, the kiddos may […]

Sossamon Requests Hand-To-Eye Recount In District 32 Contest

From the N.C. State Board of Elections After the initial machine recount, Republican candidate Frank Sossamon trails Democratic candidate Bryan Cohn by 228 votes, 21,215 to 20,987. State law permits a candidate to request a sample hand-to-eye recount within 24 hours after the initial recount. Sossamon requested the recount. The State Board conducted a random drawing at […]