Entries by John C. Rose

EOG Tests and Final Exams

Students in Vance County Schools’ elementary and middle schools will be given N.C. end-of-grade tests Tuesday through Thursday of this week, with final exams for the school year administered at local high schools beginning on Friday. At Northern Vance, Southern Vance and Western Vance high schools, testing will begin Friday, May 27, with first-period N.C. […]

Fire at Historic Middleburg Community House

Saturday night shortly before 9:00, there was a fire at Middleburg Steak and Seafood.  No one was injured. Vance County Fire Chief Chris Wright said, “The fire started in the kitchen in the wall behind the cooking grill and went straight up the wall and got into the attic access on the second floor and […]

School Entry Controls at Six Pilot Schools

Starting this past Monday, May 16, six Vance County Public Schools initiated a pilot program for building access.  The new Access Control System in place requires all visitors during the school day to identify themselves before being allowed into the school. The schools include: Aycock, New Hope, L.B. Yancey, Henderson Middle, STEM Early High and […]

53rd Annual Henderson Shrine Fish Fry

The local Henderson Shrine Club is raising money for Shriners Hospitals for Children today. This is the 53rd straight year for the event. Most important on the minds of the many Shriners and citizens interviews during “TownTalk” today is helping a crippled or burned child at one of the 22 Shriners Hospitals.  Second, but equally important […]

VGCC planning summer Science Camps at two campuses

Vance-Granville Community College will offer a Science Camp for local middle school students this summer at both the college’s Main Campus (in Vance County) and the Franklin County Campus (near Louisburg). First, the Main Campus camp will be held June 13-17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. A second camp will be held […]

Free Food Distribution Thursday

NEWS RELEASE From: Morris White, County Extension Director Topic: Vance County Food Giveaway! Community agencies and the faith-­based community have joined forces to help feed Vance County! On Thursday, May 12, 2016 the NC Central/Eastern Food Bank will be distributing bags of food to community members who are in need of food at the Vance […]

Northern Vance Baseball Team Thanked

Donald and Maggie Anthony of Roanoke Rapids, came to Northern Vance High School on May 5 to meet with members of the Vikings baseball team and offer them a face-to-face special thank you. On April 15, Donald Anthony became ill after the Vikings played a game in Chapel Hill. Emergency response personnel had to be […]

Vance Charter School Pep Rally

Monday night the Vance Charter School held a pep rally to help kick off its capital campaign.  The event was held at McGregor Hall in downtown Henderson and was well attended by students, teachers, staff and other interested members of the community.  The building seats about 950 people and the room was very full. The […]

Henderson City Council Report May 9th

The Henderson City Council held its regular monthly meeting Monday night and dealt with a laundry list of items. In a phone interview with Councilman Garry Daeke, he told WIZS News the City sold some land and also sold a home that the City and County had taken as a tax seizure. He said, “The […]