Entries by John C. Rose

Mt. Moriah A. M. E. Zion Church Partnership to Fight Food Insecurity

— from Linda T. Bristow Mt. Moriah A. M. E. Zion Church is continuing its partnership with Livingstone College and the NC Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority to fight food insecurities in Henderson, Vance County, NC and surrounding areas. Two additional community outreach initiatives are scheduled. The first is on MLK […]

Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society’s Animal “Ride To Freedom” Rides On

The yearslong animal rescue “Ride To Freedom,” done weekly by Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society and Vance County Animal Services, continues tonight after a one-week covid disruption. The plan that has rescued into the thousands of Vance County animals and gotten them to loving, safe homes continues this evening.  While the Vance County Animal Shelter […]

ACTS Fundraiser: Fish Fry at 220 February 1st

A big ACTS fundraiser will happen February 1st.  Area Christians Together in Service will host a fish fry at 220 Seafood. Dinner includes trout, fries and coleslaw.  Take out only.  4 p.m. to 7 p.m.  For a modest price, you’ll receive a generous portion of food, and you’ll be supporting a great, local cause. “People […]

Have You Paid Your 2020 Property Tax?

Property taxes for 2020 have been due for a while, but the last day to pay without penalty was today (January 5). Starting January 6th, two percent (2%) interest begins on unpaid taxes per North Carolina General Statute. There is an online payment option by credit card, with a fee, and if your bank or […]

Vance County High School Resumes Online Learning January 6

— written from information courtesy of Vance County High School on Facebook Vance County High School will resume online learning on January 6th. In a Facebook post seen below, Principal Rey Horner has provided a number of timely and important reminders for students. He wrote, “During third quarter, you will take whichever course is on […]

Oxford Spreads Its Generosity at Thanksgiving and Christmas

THIS STORY IS PRESENTED IN PART BY DRAKE DENTISTRY — information courtesy of the City of Oxford and Executive Assistant Alyssa Blair Just out Monday afternoon, the City of Oxford has released its January newsletter.  In it, Oxford announces the second annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and inaugural Holiday Toy Drive were each a major success. […]