Entries by John C. Rose

Be Careful with Wi-Fi

It should come as no shock to you that internet, computer and Wi-Fi scams are on the increase.  Your favorite coffee house or the lobby of a hotel/motel or the local public library, where ever you find yourself using the internet in “public,” this may be a train wreck waiting to happen. Some people (scam […]

Grades Up in Vance; Graduation Too

Data released Wednesday by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction for the 2014-2015 school year is encouraging for the Vance County School System. Eight Vance County Schools increased performance by one letter grade as determined by the state required School Performance grading system. The four-year cohort graduation rate increased by more than four percentage points […]

Drivers Ed in Vance

While not a direct quote attributable to anyone in particular, it seems that too much is still up in the air on the issue of Drivers Education, especially as it pertains to concrete decisions from State Legislators, and it appears, based on comments anyway, that Vance County officials would like to wait for more solid […]

Wilson: Vance Teacher of the Year

Robin Wilson, a third-grade teacher at New Hope Elementary School, is the 2015-2016 Vance County Schools’ Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Wilson has a total of 41 years of teaching experience, with 30 years of teaching in Virginia. She is in her second year as a faculty member at New Hope after teaching for the […]

2015 Ducky Derby Results

Smart Start had a good Ducky Derby turnout with about 1,000 people attending the event this past Saturday, August 29. The event started at 10:00 A.M. and concluded after the big Duck Race at 2:00 PM. Smart Start was a big winner raising about $5,500 for the Smart Start Program. Other big winners were: 1st […]

ACC Football Games Will Include Medical Observer

GREENSBORO, N.C. (theACC.com) – When Atlantic Coast Conference teams kick off their football seasons later this week, additional sets of safety-conscious eyes will watch intently from on high. As announced by Commissioner John Swofford at the ACC Kickoff on July 20, the 2015 season will include assigned medical observers from each team at every game. […]

Fire Chief Danny Wilkerson Honored

August 31, Henderson — Fire Chief Danny Wilkerson retired Monday after 40 years of service. He became chief in 1999. A reception and dinner was held in his honor Monday afternoon from 4:00 PM until 6:30 PM at Central Fire Department on Dabney Drive. There were easily more than 300 people in attendance. Wilkerson was […]

New statewide agreement helps VGCC students transfer to private schools

Vance-Granville Community College students will enjoy clearer pathways to completing a four-year degree, thanks to a new Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) between the N.C. Community College System and the N.C. Independent Colleges and Universities. Approximately 2,000 community college students transfer to one of North Carolina’s 36 independent higher education institutions each year. VGCC’s highly-regarded […]

Locals Serving at State Level

Dr. Michael Putney, principal at Dabney Elementary School, and Dr. Larry Webb, principal at Northern Vance High School serve on the State Superintendent’s Principals’ Advisory Committee. Dr. Putney, seated at far right, and Dr. Webb, standing at far right, are shown with members of the committee during their meeting held in late July. Additional members […]

Father Dead, Son Arrested

FROM THE OFFICE OF VANCE COUNTY SHERIFF PETER WHITE: On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at approximately 2:17 A.M., deputies responded to a call in reference to an assault at 47 Fulcher Farm Lane. Upon arrival, they found a single-wide mobile home on fire, fully involved.  Shortly after arrival, it was discovered that the victim, Willie […]