About John C. Rose
John is a graduate of Northern Vance High School & UNC-Chapel Hill with a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Journalism. He has been a radio personality since 1989.
John is the Marketing Consultant, News, Sports, & Town Talk Broadcaster, Technician, & Treasurer for WIZS Radio.
He is the current On-site Radio Engineer for Duke Basketball and Football and has been their scoreboard announcer in the past as well.
Entries by John C. Rose
Master Gardeners
/by John C. RoseOn Tuesday, December 1st, the Vance/Warren Extension Master Gardener Volunteers gathered at Ribeyes Steakhouse in Henderson to celebrate another year of accomplishments. Over the past year, 21 active volunteers contributed over 1200 hours of service in support of Cooperative Extension projects in the two counties. The volunteers are involved in a variety of activities, including […]
/by John C. RoseChrista Harris Reavis was sentenced Monday to 44 to 65 months, according to District Attorney Mike Waters. That’s just over three and a half years of jail time up to almost five and a half years of possible jail time. Waters told WIZS News back in October, “Through her attorney, Christa Harris Reavis delivered a […]
Winter Weather Preparedness Week
/by John C. RosePreparation Guide From Vance County Emergency Management Raleigh, N.C. – Governor Pat McCrory has declared November 29 through December 5 as Winter Weather Preparedness Week and is urging North Carolinians to update their emergency supplies kits and review emergency plans. “During the past two years we’ve seen several statewide winter storms with significant snow and ice […]
Vance County Manager Search
/by John C. RoseThere is not a lot of new news in the search for a new Vance County Manager. The Interim County Manager, Robert Murphy, indicated he was not a candidate for the permanent position in an email to WIZS News. He said, “The commissioners’ commitment to the applicants to keep their applications confidential prevents our answering […]
Vance Co. Schools Transportation
/by John C. RoseThe Vance County Schools’ Transportation Department earned a rating of 28.76 on its annual state inspection for school bus safety. The state inspection was held on November 3 and thoroughly examines 10 percent of the school system’s bus fleet, with the focus on getting the lowest score possible. The average rating statewide for this year […]
Winter Weather Preparation
/by John C. RoseWinter Weather Safety Winter Weather Safety – Spanish Carbon Monoxide Safety Pet Safety Winter Driving Tips Vance County Emergency Operations Urges Residents to Take Steps to Prepare for Winter Weather HENDERSON – As part of Winter Weather Awareness Week, November 29 through December 5, Vance County Emergency Operations Director Brian K. Short urges residents […]
Soldier’s Remains Coming Home – WRAL News
/by John C. RoseMore than 60 years after Korean War, Henderson soldier’s remains are coming home Read more at https://www.wral.com/more-than-60-years-after-korean-war-henderson-soldier-s-remains-are-coming-home/15126720/ You can hear the audio portion of WRAL News on WIZS 1450 AM each weekday from 5:30 P.M. until 6:00 P.M.
Leo Kelly Fills Wright’s Seat
/by John C. RoseLeo Kelly, Jr. will fill the unexpired term of late Vance County Commissioner Eddie Wright. County Attorney Jonathan Care told WIZS News that Kelly was unanimously voted in by the commissioners. Clerk to the Board Kelly Grissom said, “He will be sworn in on December 7.” Kelly will fill the seat for approximately one year […]
Detective Wormley Fundraiser
/by John C. RoseIn a recent interview with WIZS News, Police Chief Marcus Barrow described the dedication of fellow officers in Detective Deric Wormley’s time of need. Detective Wormley faced an extremely life threatening situation, and as Chief Barrow described it, no one left Wormley’s side. Wormley collapsed inside the Henderson Police Department in late October […]