Entries by John C. Rose

Carnetta Thomas Earns Doctorate #VANCECoProud

Congratulations to Carnetta Thomas, principal of L.B. Yancey Elementary School!  She has successfully completed work for her doctoral degree. Thomas learned in early January that she had met all requirements to earn her doctorate in Education in Curriculum and Instruction. She received her degree through the University of Phoenix with most work done online. “I […]

April Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration

Vance County Schools are offering parents a variety of opportunities to register their children for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes for the 2016-2017 school year. Children who will be four years old on or before August 31, 2016, may apply for pre-kindergarten and children who will be five years old on or before the same date […]

Southern Vance National Beta Club

The National Beta Club chapter at Southern Vance High School has inducted 39 new members into the prestigious, academic organization. Each new inductee was recognized during a special ceremony held in the school’s gymnasium on March 24. They each were presented certificates and lapel pins by Principal Stephanie Ayscue and senior members of the National […]

Health Wellness Fair Saturday

Big Ruin Creek Missionary Baptist Church is having a Health and Wellness Fair this Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  The event will take place at Northern Vance High School, located at 293 Warrenton Road. Keasha Richardson told WIZS News, “There will be several medical doctors, several nurses, several UNC dental […]

Farmers Market Opens April 16th

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market opens for the 2016 season on Saturday, April 16th, and new vendors are welcome, according to Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent for Vance and Warren Counties. In a press release McKenzie wrote, “This first class facility, located at 210 Southpark Drive in Henderson, offers covered sales space, electricity and […]

Former Superintendent Shearin Has Died

Dr. Norman Shearin served as Superintendent of Vance County Schools from January 2003 until his retirement in April 2011. Public Information Officer Terri Hedrick released the information this morning by email.  Dr. Shearin passed away late Tuesday. Hedrick said, “He indeed made his mark here in Vance County, including leading the re-establishment of Western Vance […]

Red Cross Needs O Negative Blood

(Full Press Release) Red Cross has significant need for type O negative blood Type O negative is often needed in trauma situations GREENVILLE, N.C. (March 23, 2016) — The American Red Cross has a significant need for type O negative blood donors to donate blood for patients. Type O negative blood can be transfused to […]

Connect NC bond and Kerr Lake

(Full Press Release) CONTACT: Frank Timberlake (919) 269-4300 info@kerrlakeparkwatch.org CONNECT NC BOND PASSES – WHAT IMPROVEMENTS CAN WE EXPECT AT THE 7 NC KERR LAKE STATE RECREATIONS AREAS? News about what is going on with NC State Parks out of Raleigh is rare, even hard to get.  And now that there is big news like […]

LimBionics Ribbon Cutting

A ribbon cutting was planned for today at 10 a.m. to celebrate LimBionics Prosthetics and Orthotics becoming a Chamber member and to showcase the business and all that it has to offer. LimBionics is located at 851 S. Beckford Drive, Suite B in Henderson. Brittany Stresing is owner and lead practitioner and has been treating patients in Durham, Oxford, Henderson and […]

Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration

Parents of children who will be entering pre-kindergarten and kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year may now register their children for enrollment at any Vance County Schools elementary school. Children who will be four years old on or before August 31, should apply for pre-kindergarten and children who will be five years old on or […]