Entries by Bill Harris

Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Cleanup perennial flower beds. Cut back plants, pull weeds and refresh mulch Finish up your pruning chores. Fruit trees,blueberries,grape vines, broadleaf evergreens and ornamental trees. Increase pollination of your garden by purchasing Honey bees or contacting a beekeeper to place a hive on your […]

The Local Skinny! Upcoming Events At Perry Memorial Library

How is a librarian like a fisherman? Well, if you ask Perry Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters, she might just liken her job of creating programs for young people like a fisherman casting a net into the ocean – you just never know how big the haul is going to be. Some programs, Peters […]

TownTalk: Police Chief Concerned With Litter Problem

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow wants the public to be on the lookout for…signs in their neighborhoods that are part of an anti-litter campaign. The signs will feature brightly colored handprints – about the size of a child’s hand – and will include a QR code that is linked directly to Crime Stoppers, so the […]

SportsTalk: Former KVA Baseball Standout R.J. Johnson Returns To NC

Rutgers University in New Jersey may seem like a long ways away from North Carolina but former Kerr Vance Academy and current Rutgers standout baseball player R. J. Johnson gets back to the area more than one might think.  “We are here almost every weekend,” Johnson said on SportsTalk.  Johnson and Rutgers were in the […]