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TownTalk: From An Owner’s Perspective – WIZS Radio
Editor’s note: WIZS part-timer Jayden Watkins took some time to sit and chat with John Charles Rose for Thursday’s segment of TownTalk. In what amounts to a role-reversal of sorts, Watkins was the interviewer who posed questions to John Charles to learn more about his life’s work and his vision of the radio station’s role
TownTalk: Causey Talks Insurance Rates, Hurricane Helene Cleanup and More
N.C. Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey and his team at the Department of Insurance are advocates for consumers when it comes to claims disputes or proposed rate hikes for automobile or home insurance. But it was when Causey was trying to call attention to the health of first responders that he got his own wake-up call,
TownTalk: World FlingGolf Tournament Coming to Kerr Lake Country Club
FlingGolf is a “thing,” and it’s coming to Henderson this weekend. Exactly what, you may ask, is this thing called fling? Well, picture, if you will, a lacrosse stick – you know, it’s a long stick with a little basket or cup on one end of it. Now picture a group of folks, those modified
TownTalk: Spring Activities Are Bustin’ Out All Over Granville County
Granville County is cultivating a variety of springtime activities, with some first-time events sprinkled in amongst others that have become perennial favorites. County Tourism Director Angela Allen said that, once again, there’s something for everyone in the offerings over the next few weeks and beyond. Allen shared details about some of the events but recommended
TownTalk: N.C. District 32 Rep. Bryan Cohn Introduces HB 269
Just a couple of months into his term in the N.C. House representing District 32, Bryan Cohn has introduced a bill and co-sponsored another. In between crafting bills and acclimating himself to the workings of state government, Cohn has been crisscrossing the district to talk with constituents. House Bill 269 is called the Workforce Freedom
TownTalk: Maria Parham Health Wall Breaking Ceremony and Staff Recognition
Maria Parham Health has embarked on a construction project that will make trips to the Emergency Department safer and more efficient, especially for individuals with behavioral health challenges or substance abuse issues. The project to transform the ED area will take months to complete, but the hospital can’t just shut down while construction is going
TownTalk: Vance County Animal Shelter Receives Grant for Spay and Neuter
Thanks to a collaboration that involves non-profit agencies, Vance County Animal Services and the Vance County Board of Commissioners, Animal Services Manager William Coker and his staff have $20,000 to spend on a spay/neuter program for dogs and cats. When the folks at Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society passed along information about a $10,000 matching
TownTalk: Around Old Granville – Historical Markers
The state’s very first official historical marker was erected in 1936 – just a year after the Highway Historical Marker Commission was established. But where was it placed? Any ideas? If you said Granville County, you’d be correct. The first marker honors John Penn, one of North Carolina’s three signers of the Declaration of Independence.
TownTalk: GVPH Director Lisa Harrison Keeps Eye On Health Issues, Funding For Federal Programs Like Medicaid, WIC
In addition to all the health-related issues that Granville Vance Public Health Director Lisa M. Harrison monitors, lately she’s been keeping a close watch on what’s happening in Washington, DC as politicians consider cost-saving measures to address a focus on government efficiency and tax cuts. For Harrison, what happens in Washington has a direct effect
TownTalk: Rodeo This Weekend at Franklin Brothers Nursery Sunday, March 16
Franklin Brothers Nursery is hosting a rodeo this weekend, featuring barrel racing and more. Thomas Franklin said it’s wholesome entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. And Franklin has plans for more shows in the future – it’s all part of an overall vision to make the best use of the property. This is just