Granville Youth Leadership Council Gives Teens A Voice In Decision-Making

-information courtesy of Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood

The Granville County Youth Leadership Council provides high school students a voice in local government’s decision-making processes while promoting civic engagement and responsibility.

The Council is a platform that empowers young minds to actively participate in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to community development, according to a press statement from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood. Members are representatives of youth civic engagement, and also can bring about change by bringing new ideas and opportunities to the community.

The purpose of the council is to make sure youth in the community have a voice, but more importantly, that  their voices are heard, recognized and valued. Through participation in the council, the youth will gain leadership skills  through their service on selected county boards, outreach, initiatives and youth-led projects.

This year’s new members to the council are:

  • Ana Black, District 4;
  • Josef Black, District 4;
  • Claire Glavin, District 7;
  • Jacquelin  Jose, District 4;
  • Kaylee Overby, District 5;
  • Dylan Roseman, District 5;
  • Nathanael Royster, District 7


The new class joins the following members already serving on the council:

  • Jermaine Puryear, Jr., Chair, Board Liaison, District 3 
  • Elaina Eley, Vice Chair, Board Liaison, District 6
  • Amber Necessary, Secretary, Board Liaison, District 6 
  • Jaden Easow, Treasurer, Board Liaison, District 6 
  • Iesha Landis, Social Events Chair, Board Liaison, District 6 
  • Cassie Peele, Media and Public Relations Chair, Board Liaison, District 2 
  • Vashti Pearson, Social Media/Content Creator, Board Liaison, District 5 
  • Asia Abdul-Haqq, Board Liaison, District 5 
  • Joydan Johnson, Board Liaison, District 6 

The council had a strategic planning session retreat in November and worked to plan future initiatives, including launching a Teen Clothing Closet, sponsoring a Teen Night and developing a mental health proposal for teens.

Learn more about the Council and their activities, visit