Trick or Treat

Trunk-or-Treat Drive-Thru Style Courtesy H-V Downtown Development, HPD


The Henderson Vance Downtown Development Commission and the Henderson Police Department will sponsor a “Downtown Drive-Thru Trunk-or-Treat” event on Thursday, October 29, 2020, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

With the coronavirus changing the way many people celebrate Halloween this year, this event will allow the community to trick-or-treat safely from their vehicles.


From the Henderson Fire Station on Young Street, make a left turn on Court Street, continue across Montgomery Street (treats in the police parking lot), go through the Sally Port (more treats), make a right on Breckenridge Street (even more treats) and, finally, exit on Breckenridge.

If you would like to participate in the distribution of candy this year, please call Alice Clark Sallins at (252) 767-4579 for a parking space. You may begin set up at 3:30 p.m. Please try to order pre-packaged candy. If not, package treats 10 days in advance for distribution.

Please wear your mask!

Local News Audio

Local Noon News 10/12/20

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

One Dead, Two Injured in Shooting on Rowland Rd

Early Voting Begins Thursday, October 15

Henderson’s Gang Free, Inc. Finalist in Mercedes-Benz Vans’ Contest

WIZS Provides UNC and Carolina Panthers Football Coverage

Click Play for Full Details and Local News Audio…

Henderson Men's Shelter

Henderson Men’s Shelter to Open Nov. 1; Meals & Donations Needed

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jane King, Community Partners of Hope

The Henderson/Vance Emergency Men’s Shelter opens for the 2020-2021 season on November 1.

Volunteers and staff are busy at work getting the shelter ready to open with extra precautions due to the coronavirus pandemic. The shelter can only house six men at a time, so stays are limited to 14 days (they can return after a week IF there is room).

Unfortunately, volunteers will not be used inside the shelter this year, but meals and donations are still needed. Someone is also needed to pick up meals from restaurants occasionally.

This year, meals must be delivered in take-out boxes so that the food is free from contamination. Eight meals will be needed each night (six men plus supervisors). Many men do not eat pork, so please avoid sending pork products.

If you bring beverages, they will need to be in individual bottles – water, tea, lemonade, etc.

If you want to use a local restaurant, please be sure the food is in individual servings (not a pizza in a large box).

The shelter is located in the basement of First Presbyterian Church in Henderson below the Fellowship Hall. Follow men’s shelter signs from the corner of Chestnut Street and Church Street – park in the alley and someone will come out to your car to get the meals.

You can sign up to bring meals by clicking here. If you need help signing up or if you have additional questions, please call Jane King at (252) 432-9494.


Check the current list of needed donations at


Please continue to hold the shelter, its guests, its staff, its volunteers and board of directors, and all who face homelessness in your prayers.

Henderson Police Department

One Dead, Two Injured in Shooting on Rowland St.

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Henderson Police Department

On Sunday, October 11, 2020, at approximately 8:20 p.m., officers of the Henderson Police Department were dispatched to 406 Rowland Street to investigate a shooting.

When they arrived, they located an unnamed male (name release pending family notification) suffering from a gunshot wound. The unnamed person had succumbed to his injuries prior to officers’ arrival. Two others had received non-life-threatening injuries, and a third person is being interviewed at this time.

At this point, this investigation is being deemed a domestic-related incident.

This is a fluid, ongoing investigation. More information will be forthcoming.

Henderson Police Department

@HPDNC Looking for Shooting Suspect; Vehicle of Interest


Short Video of a Vehicle of Interest.
If anyone recognizes the vehicle please contact Henderson Police immediately.

Press Release:On Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 at approximately 8:43PM, Officers of the Henderson Police Department were dispatched to the 600 block of E. Andrews Avenue to investigate gunfire.

When they arrived, they located Alveante (Al) Markeith Holden (18), of Vance County, suffering from a gunshot wound to the upper torso. Mr. Holden was found seated inside a vehicle he had been operating earlier, in the parking lot of “The Wash House”, a laundry mate. Mr. Holden had succumbed to his injuries prior to our arrival.

Evidence was found in and around “The Wash House” and several individuals were spoken with and interviewed. Through information gathered, Alveante Holden is a victim of a narcotics transaction gone awry. The suspect is a white male and is believed to be the sole shooter in the incident. He was accompanied by another white male, and a white female.

We are seeking the assistance of our community and the people of the surrounding area to solve this case. We are currently looking for an extended cab, white, full-size, truck with a high stance, possibly a lift kit. The make of the vehicle is not clear, but is possibly a GMC or Chevrolet. The only additional descriptor we have is brush/limbs protruding from the cargo area.

We are pleading with the community for anyone with information about this case to contact us immediately. A cash reward of up to $2,000 is offered through Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers (252- 492-1925 or P3 app). Please call us at 252-438-4141 or contact us through Facebook or Instagram.

Coach's Corner Logo

Vance County High School Vipers Football Schedule

The Vance County High School Vipers Football Schedule announced live on WIZS by Coach Jenks.  Trey Snide enjoyed the conversation with Coach Hunter Jenks, who’s looking forward most to starting workouts soon.

Vance County High School Athletic Director Joe Sharrow, according to Coach Jenks, along with the central office staff will try to get the players back on the field for training in a month or so.

Coach Jenks and his staff met recently over zoom, and the game plan is to work from a standpoint of keeping the terminology compatible for the players and coaches in an effort to keep it easy on the players at this time.  And the plan is for players to be ready for college in the future.

Click Play for Full Audio and Details…


buy, sell, trade items.

Tradio on WIZS; Buy, Sell, Trade for Free; M-Th at 11:30am

Tradio on WIZS; Buy, Sell, Trade for Free; M-Th at 11:30am


The original Tradio, right here on WIZS in Henderson. 1450 AM / 100.1 FM / Live Stream at…

Posted by WIZS Radio on Saturday, October 10, 2020


Melissa Elliott Gang Free

Your Vote Needed! Henderson’s Gang Free Finalist in Mercedes-Benz Vans’ Contest


Gang Free, Inc. in Henderson, NC is one of four finalists in the Mercedes-Benz Vans’ “Small Business, Big Impact” contest. The winning organization will receive a new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter passenger van valued at approximately $35,000.

Voting is ongoing through 12:59 p.m. on Friday, October 23, 2020, and is available online at (click here). Also visit the link to see a short video from Gang Free, Inc. Founder Melissa Elliott and to view official contest rules.

“Please share and prepare to vote for Gang Free, Inc.,” Elliott implored the community in a recent email. “Gang Free has made tremendous strides throughout the pandemic and has kept a steady momentum with fighting food insecurities, housing homeless people and getting the community tested for COVID-19.”

In addition to Gang Free, Inc., contest finalists include Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit, Michigan, Beeze Tees Screen Printing in Keene, New Hampshire and WHO DAT Barbershop in New Orleans, Louisiana.

A winner is expected to be announced at approximately 8 p.m. on October 23.

“That Mercedes Sprinter would be a blessing from God,” said Elliott. “We would be able to make sure that people are eating, to make sure people are being tested [for COVID]. We would be able to reach out to the most vulnerable populations in our community.”

City of Henderson Logo

City Council Meeting to Include Boat Storage Hearing, Adoption of Water/Sewer CIP

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the City of Henderson

The Henderson City Council will meet on Monday, October 12, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave. in Henderson, NC.

Due to COVID-19 health mandates issued by Governor Cooper, the number of citizens allowed into Council Chambers is limited. However, members of the community are strongly encouraged to provide questions/comments for Council in writing as follows and to listen via Zoom.

Written Comments:

  1. Email written comments to
  2. Emails received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 8881 5714

Passcode: 335605

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,89788815714#,,,,,,0#,,335605# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,89788815714#,,,,,,0#,,335605# US (Chicago)

Agenda Items Include:

Public Hearing: amending the Zoning Ordinance Table of Uses by adding boat storage in the B-4 District (Neighborhood Commercial) as a permitted use.

Adoption of the City of Henderson’s Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and financial analysis.

Award a contract to Synagro for sludge removal from the Henderson Water Reclamation Facility via a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project and approve Budget Amendment #4 to establish the CIP project.

Establish a Use of Funds schedule for the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding grant.

Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Henderson and Dominion Energy North Carolina.

Approval of purchase of 204 Mulberry Street for the Urban Redevelopment Area.

Accepting an award for U. S. Department of Justice’s 2020 BJA Justice Assistance Grant to fund the purchase of two Watchguard In-Car Video Camera systems.

Accepting transfer of ownership of K-9 Deli to Sgt. Jonathan Thomas, handler, through a Contractual Hold Harmless Agreement.

Board Appointments.

Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

NC State Board of Elections

Voter Intimidation Prohibited by Law in North Carolina

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NC State Board of Elections

Ahead of early voting and Election Day, the State Board of Elections reminds all North Carolinians that voter intimidation and coercion are prohibited by state and federal law.

“The State Board is committed to ensuring all voters have a safe voting experience, free from intimidation and harassment,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “Regardless of political affiliation, every voter deserves to cast their ballot in peace.”

The State Board on Friday issued Numbered Memo 2020-30: Conduct at the Polls for the 2020 General Election. The memo describes prohibited acts, along with actions voters and poll workers should take to ensure a safe voting environment.

Penalties for violations include prison time, fines or both.

One-stop, in-person early voting begins Thursday, October 15 and ends Saturday, October 31. Election Day is November 3.

Buffer Zones

Buffer zones protect voters from harassment and intimidation when entering a polling place. Electioneering and other activities are prohibited inside the buffer zone.

In most situations, the buffer zone is 50 feet from the entrance to the polling place.

The area outside the buffer zone is a public forum, which the First Amendment protects from most restrictions on political activity.

“We must balance the right of every voter to enter the voting place free from intimidation within these First Amendment protections,” Bell said in the numbered memo.

Control of Polls

The chief judge or one-stop site manager must ensure voters can peacefully access the buffer zone and voting enclosure. If they are unable to do so, the chief judge must contact the county board of elections or law enforcement.

Election officials must be prepared to respond immediately to behavior that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the peace and order of a polling place. If the behavior poses a threat to any person’s safety or a situation seems likely to get out of control, the election official should immediately contact local law enforcement for assistance.

“The State Board has partnerships with federal, state, and local agencies who provide assistance, including monitoring and support on the ground,” Bell said.

County boards of elections are encouraged to meet with law enforcement ahead of elections. Partnerships allow for a swift response if county boards or election officials are unable to control a situation at a voting site.

Although they may be contacted as needed, law enforcement should not be stationed at a voting place, as some voters may find their presence intimidating.

Poll Observers/Poll Watchers

Observers are appointed by political parties, and requirements are outlined in state statute. Observers must be registered to vote in the county, except for the 100 state at-large observers who must be registered in the state.

Observers may observe and take notes, but may not disrupt voters or election officials. Observers may not speak to voters or stand close enough where they could see confidential information.

Each political party is required to submit the list of observers to the county board of elections at least five days before a person is scheduled to observe.

Anyone has the right to watch or monitor the election outside the voting place and outside the marked buffer zone. Members of the public, campaigners, candidates, advocates, and “poll watchers” may not enter the buffer zone or voting enclosure unless they are voting.

A poll watcher has no legal status under North Carolina law and must remain outside the marked buffer zone.

To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at the polls, all observers must wear masks when inside the voting enclosure. Social distancing is in place in all polling places and observers should abide by social distancing requirements as outlined in Numbered Memo 2020-18.

Observers who refuse to wear a mask or abide by social distancing will be required to leave the voting place.