Town Talk Logo

Town Talk 06/22/20: What Have You Had Good to Eat Lately?

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Monday’s Town Talk featured a light discussion, with call-ins, on good food and where to find it locally.

Click the play button below to hear the segment in its entirety, catch up on previous Town Talk segments by visiting and listen live to WIZS at 100.1 FM/1450 AM each Monday – Friday at 11 a.m.

H-V Chamber Logo

H-V Chamber of Commerce to Welcome New Teachers; Donated Business Items Needed

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce is preparing to welcome approximately 140 new teachers to the Vance County area for the new school year. The schools include Vance County Public Schools, Henderson Collegiate, Crossroads Christian School, Kerr-Vance Academy and Vance Charter School.

The Chamber is looking for donations from local business owners to pack into bags for these teachers. Suggested items include pens, pencils, pads, hand sanitizer, coupons/discount cards, key chains, etc.

A business donation of the actual bags is also needed.

If your business would be able to donate an item for each teacher, or with any questions, please contact the Chamber at (252) 438-8414.

Downtown Henderson

City of Henderson: Action Required on Delinquent Water, Sewer Accounts

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, City of Henderson

The Impact of Executive Orders 124/142 on Your City of Henderson Utility Account

Effective March 31, 2020, Governor Cooper issued Executive Order (EO) 124. Governor Cooper issued EO 142 that became effective on May 30, 2020. These Executive Orders state that the City is unable to disconnect water and sewer service for late payments incurred from March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020.

Below is a summary of these provisions and how it affects your utility account.

Suspension of Disconnections:

  • As of March 31, 2020, EO 124 suspended disconnections for non-payment. (As of March 17, 2020, the City suspended disconnections for non-payment.)
  • The disconnection suspension continues through July 29, 2020.
  • The suspension applies to accounts that incur delinquencies beginning March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020.
  • The City may disconnect services for any reason other than stated above.
  • After July 29, 2020, the City will resume disconnections according to normal policies with one exception:
    • According to the Executive Order, local governments may not terminate service to residential customers who incur a delinquency from March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020, who are complying with the terms of a payment plan.

Suspensions of Late Penalties:

  • The City may not apply late penalties for delinquent payments of regular charges on residential accounts that are due from March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020.
  • The City may charge late penalties on accounts that became delinquent prior to March 31, 2020.

Payment Plan Mandates:

  1. The City is required to offer residential customers who incur a delinquency from March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020, the option to participate in a payment plan that extends payments up to six (6) months after July 29. The payment plan will divide the delinquent balance due into multiple installment payments instead of mandating a payment in a lump sum. The current bill amounts over the six month period will be included in the payment plan.
  2. The City has set a strict deadline of August 31, 2020, in which payment plans must be made for these past due balances. Please contact the Customer Service Department at 252-430-5700 to make an appointment.
  3. If you DO NOT create a payment plan by 5 p.m. on August 31, 2020, you will be required to pay the TOTAL past due balance incurred between March 31, 2020, through July 29, 2020, in full by 5 p.m. on January 25, 2021, in order not to have services disconnected.  

Services will be disconnected without exception if you do not take one of the steps above within the time frame set above.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Commissioners to Hold Emergency Meeting This Afternoon

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, County of Granville

Please take notice that the Granville County Board of Commissioners will hold an emergency meeting pursuant to N.C.G.S. §143-318.12(b)(3) in the Granville County Board of Commissioners Meeting Room located at the Granville County Expo & Convention Center, 4185 US Hwy 15 South, Oxford on Monday, June 22, 2020, at 1 p.m.

Members of the Board who cannot attend in person may participate via simultaneous communication. Members of the public may only attend via simultaneous communication using Zoom.

The Board anticipates going into closed session pursuant to G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3) and (a)(9).

To join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 946 8360 8829

Password: 495443

Dial by your location

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

877 853 5247 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 946 8360 8829

Find your local number:

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson’s Sewer System Bypasses Half a Million Gallons of Untreated Water

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, City of Henderson

The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 243,000 gallons of untreated water on June 17, 2020, due to inflow/infiltration from the heavy rain.

The overflow occurred at Neatherly St, E Rockspring St, the intersection of Pinkston St and Farrar Ave., Pinkston St. (Green Acres outfall), Alexander Ave., Willow Ln., 1812 BrookRun, 409 Harriett St., and Bridgers St.

Approximately 243,000 gallons of untreated water entered a tributary to Sandy Creek and Redbud Creek. Approximately  21,000 gallons were contained on the ground.


The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 255,750 gallons of untreated water on June 16-17, 2020, due to inflow/infiltration from the heavy rain.

The overflow occurred at 51 Vance Academy Road, 1646 W. Andrews Avenue, 1416 Rock Mill Road and 482 Rock Mill Road.

Approximately 11,250 gallons of untreated water entered a tributary to Sandy Creek, approximately 55,500 gallons entered Sandy Creek, 39,000 gallons entered Nutbush Creek and approximately 150,000 gallons were released into RedBud Creek.

North Carolina General Statutes Article 21 Chapter 143.215.1c requires a press release for all bypasses of 1,000 gallons or more that enter surface waters.

Questions concerning this matter should be directed to the Public Works ORC Joey Long Jr at (252) 226-4492 or Andy Perkinson at (252) 431-6117.

CodeRED Logo

City of Oxford Encourages CodeRED Enrollment, Contact Update


-Press Release, City of Oxford

The City of Oxford encourages all citizens and businesses to sign up for CodeRED in order to ensure quick communication when an emergency situation arises.

The CodeRED link can be found on the City of Oxford website, along with a description of its use. Please click the sign up in order to be taken to the CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment page. 

If you have already signed up for this service, but have since moved and/or changed phone numbers and addresses, please go online and update this information. This will ensure your account is current and you will receive all necessary information.

If you are signing up as a business, please make sure to include the phone number for your business. This will ensure notification to your business if a situation arises. 

Should you have any questions and/or concerns about the use of CodeRED, signing up, or information shared through CodeRED, please reach out to Oxford City Hall at (919) 603-1100.

ACTS of Henderson Food Pantry

ACTS of Henderson Announces Food Pantry, Volunteer Needs

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy ACTS of Henderson

ACTS of Henderson is currently in need of the following items: boxed pasta, 18 oz. jars peanut butter, any type of canned fruit, canned diced tomatoes, canned soups, canned spaghetti sauce, jelly, canned beans (like pinto, navy, great northern, black-eyed peas, etc.), canned vegetables (like peas, carrots, any type of greens, mixed vegetables, peas & carrots, etc.), canned meats (like chicken, tuna, salmon, beef stew, chicken & dumplings, etc. – especially those with pull tops), canned baked beans.

Items may be dropped off at the ACTS location at 201 South Williams Street in Henderson any weekday between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you need to drop off at a time other than this, please call ACTS at (252) 4928231 to make arrangements.

Volunteers are also needed any days from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Call ACTS at (252) 492-8231 for more details on volunteer opportunities or visit ACTS of Henderson on Facebook to stay updated on current needs.

Local News Audio

WIZS Noon Local News 06/19/20

WIZS LOCAL NEWS; 8a, 12 Noon, 5p; M-F


  • Mike Davis
  • AV Richards
  • Weldon’s Mill Dam Washout


VGCC Food Industry Webinar

VGCC Small Business Center Presents Free Food & Beverage Industry Webinars

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center

The Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center announces the newest FREE training series of webinars.  This 12-week series aims to help those in the food industry navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’re in the restaurant or food shop business, you know that a normal day is no longer normal. There are a multitude of new tasks, service limitations, sanitizing requirements and customer expectations. This series is designed to help navigate your new normal so that your business can reopen with confidence.

Sessions will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays June 22 through July 29, 2020, from 9 until 10:30 a.m.

Sessions include:

  1. CDC Guidelines for Reopening Your Food & Beverage Business
  2. Keeping Your Restaurant Employees and Customers Safe While Dealing With a Pandemic
  3. Learn How to Step Up Your Customer Service Game in Your Food Business in the Era of COVID-19
  4. Tips & Tricks to Market Your Food & Beverage Business
  5. The Magic of Upselling in the Food & Beverage World
  6. Using Social Media to Promote Your Restaurant or Food Business
  7. Communicating Effectively to Your Employees – Food & Beverage Business
  8. Leaders vs. Managers – Food & Beverage Teams
  9. How to Deal With Difficult People in the Food & Beverage Industry
  10. Building Your Food & Beverage Business Around Your Community
  11. Improving the Physical Image, Layout and Presentation of Your Food & Beverage Business
  12. Angry Food & Beverage Customers Can Actually Become Your Best Friends

Register by 12 p.m. the day before the event at

For more information, contact the VGCC Small Business Center at


Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Public Safety’s Fire Reorganization Meeting Rescheduled for June 30

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Please be informed that the Vance County Public Safety Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 23 has been changed to Tuesday, June 30, 2020.

The meeting will be held at 3 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room of the Vance County Administration Building located at 122 Young Street in Henderson.

The topic of discussion is fire reorganization.