Special Audio Report: Warrenton Milano’s Family Restaurant and Building Destroyed by Fire

Warrenton Rural Volunteer Fire Chief and Mayor of Warrenton Walter Gardner spoke with WIZS News about 6 p.m. Friday. In the special audio report, he provided the following facts about the Milano’s Family Restaurant building fire.

  • No one was injured.
  • Just before 5 a.m. the first call came in.
  • The fire was contained to Milano’s Italian Restaurant footprint.
  • Investigators are certain of the area of the origin of the fire, but unsure of the original cause.
  • 19 departments fought the fire.
  • Remains of the building were pushed into the footprint for safety.
  • The community aided and banded together and supported each other in the effort.
  • “We will try to rise from these ashes.”
Coach's Corner Logo

Coach’s Corner 05/29/20: Crossroad Christian’s Taylor Bell Signs With Wingate University

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Friday’s edition of the WIZS Coach’s Corner featured an interview with Crossroad Christian School’s (CCS) Taylor Bell, Colts Athletic Director and Men’s Varsity Basketball Coach Scottie Richardson and Bell’s family and basketball mentors.

Bell, a recent CCS graduate and basketball player, gathered with his supporters last Friday afternoon for a belated (thanks to COVID-19) letter signing ceremony to indicate his intent to play basketball at Wingate University.

Honing his skills at Neuse Christian Academy in Raleigh during his freshman and sophomore year, Bell joined the Colts his junior year and reunited with Richardson, who also coached Bell’s older brother Maurice Wilcox.

With impressive high school stats, including averaging 21.2 points a game and scoring over 1,000 points, Richardson said Wingate will benefit from the “legacy” Bell built at CCS.

“Wingate is getting a leader both on and off the court,” Richardson said. “Taylor has certainly left a stamp not only on our program but also on our school.”

Bell will be in good company at Wingate as close friend Kurtis Taylor, who previously played at Neuse Christian Academy, as well as Andreas Wilson, a former competitor who played at Kerr-Vance Academy, have also signed with the Bulldogs.

“My friend Kurtis got an offer early from Wingate,” Bell said. “Once they showed interest in me, I knew I wanted to have the opportunity to play with my friend again, and I wanted to work with the Wingate coaches.”

To hear more from Bell and Richardson, along with commentary from Bell’s family and mentors, please listen to the Coach’s Corner audio by clicking the play button above.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. to Discuss Allocation of Approx. $1 Million in Coronavirus Relief Funding

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jordan McMillen, Vance County Manager

As recently posted on WIZS.com, Vance County has received Coronavirus Relief Funds from the State totaling $974,599. According to Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen, discussion on ways to allocate those funds will be held at the Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday, June 1.

“The state originally required a plan by June 1, but have pushed back the deadline to June 15, as of yesterday,” said McMillen. “According to the latest guidance, the funds must be spent by the end of December or they must be returned. The use of the funds is very restricted; funds can only be used for expenses directly related to COVID-19.”

McMillen continued, “We do anticipate using the funds to purchase necessary PPE for our public safety departments, as well as to outfit our buildings to ensure our staff and the public will be adequately protected, for example with the installation of plexiglass in certain departments, updating certain technology to ensure we are better prepared for telework and telemeetings in the future.”

As the court system opens back on June 1, McMillen said the County is making arrangements to encourage social distancing both outside the courthouse and as people enter the courthouse. Additionally, the courthouse will have regular cleanings throughout the day.

Community Partners of Hope

Community Partners of Hope Updates: 220 Fundraiser Canceled, Gown Project Moved

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jane King, Community Partners of Hope, Inc.

Updates from Community Partners of Hope:

Hope House

Six men are living in Hope House now, and all are doing well. Some have lost jobs during the COVID-19 shutdown, some are just going back to work.

Because of their situation, “shared expense” payments are temporarily suspended, so the cost of utilities, internet, etc. is coming out of Community Partners of Hope’s budget.

Hope House’s new roof has been delayed, with work expected to begin soon.

220 Fundraiser

The 220 Fundraiser originally scheduled for April 27, and rescheduled for Monday, June 29, has now been canceled.

If you purchased tickets and would like a refund, please call (252) 432-9494. Otherwise, your purchase will be considered a donation to Community Partners of Hope.

Protective Gown Project

If you want to help the community, please consider joining a group that has been making disposable protective gowns for the hospital and nursing home workers. This project was started by First Baptist Church in Henderson, and the work was done at McGregor Hall for a number of weeks.

The project is now moving to First Presbyterian Church (upstairs from the shelter), and we can use volunteers to create gowns from plastic sheeting to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19.

Work is done from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday – Friday and also 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The work is not difficult and someone can train you quickly.

All volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. All volunteers will be screened upon arrival and must have a temperature below 100, no symptoms, and no known exposure to COVID-19 (including no known exposure by anyone in their household). Please bring a mask and scissors with you.

If you would like to help, please sign up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A44ADAC2BA1FD0-protective


At this time, Community Partners of Hope is only in need of financial contributions. Expenses continue at Hope House even when the Henderson Men’s Shelter is closed for the season. Funds are still needed in the ongoing search for a new shelter location. All contributions are tax-deductible.

You may send a check to Community Partners of Hope, Inc, P.O. Box 1791, Henderson, NC 27536

Granville County Logo

Granville County Commissioners to Hold Remote Budget Public Hearing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet remotely by Zoom conference call on Monday, June 1, 2020, at 7 p.m. for the regularly scheduled meeting.

In order to adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting may be accessed by utilizing the link and/or phone number included below.

Public comments will be accepted in written format and must be received by Monday, June 1 at 12 p.m. by mail to P.O. Box 906, Oxford, NC 27565 or email to grancomrs@granvillecounty.org

To join the Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 941 4894 5996 ~ Password: 973170

Dial by your location: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free or 888 788 0099 US Toll-free

As part of Monday’s meeting, a public hearing will be held on the proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget. The proposed budget for Granville County has been submitted to the Granville County Board of Commissioners in accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.

A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the Board and at the Richard H. Thornton Library and other library branches if they are open to the public. 

The proposed budget can be found at https://www.granvillecounty.org/government/finance-department/comprehensive-annual-financial-reports-budget-documents/.

Public comments on the proposed budget will be accepted in written format and must be received by Tuesday, June 2 at 8 p.m. by mail to P.O. Box 906, Oxford, NC 27565 or email to grancomrs@granvillecounty.org as required by the Act to Provide Aid To North Carolinians In Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Crisis, (S.L. 2020-3, SB 704, Section 4.31). The public comments will be included in the meeting minutes.

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here.

Franklin Co. Health Department to Offer Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Franklin County Government

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing will be available at the Franklin County Health Department beginning Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

Testing will be available on Tuesdays from 1 – 2 p.m. by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted.

Appointments will be available to patients without insurance first. If multiple people need testing, each person will need to schedule their own appointment time.

Non-insured patients will receive a free test sent to the State lab; insured patients will have their insurance billed.

Please bring your photo ID and insurance card, if applicable, and wear a face mask or covering to your appointment.

To make an appointment, call (919) 496-2533. The Franklin County Health Department is located at 107 Industrial Drive, Suite C in Louisburg, NC.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Hold June Meeting Online

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular board meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020, at 6 pm.  However, in observance of the Governor’s “Stay-at-Home” Orders, this meeting will be conducted electronically, with members of the public invited to view the live stream.

To join the live stream meeting, please use the following link: https://live.myvrspot.com/player?udi=Z3Nj&c=Z3JhbnZpbGxlMQ%3D%3D

The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel and Attorney/Client Privilege.

Public comments for this meeting will be accepted in writing by using this link: https://forms.gle/krHjyJg3JTwj7jt1A

Comments entered into this form between the hours of 12 and 4 p.m. on June 1, 2020, will be distributed to the Board of Education members before the meeting, and the first two minutes of each comment will be read aloud during the meeting.

A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment.

To view the agenda for this meeting, please click here.

Town Talk 05/28/20: Temporary Order Allowing Indoor Church Worship Ends – Now What?

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

On Thursday’s edition of Town Talk, WIZS’s John Charles Rose and Trey Snide discuss the end of the 14-day order that allowed churches to hold services inside and whether places of worship have a choice going forward.

The discussion was a follow-up to yesterday’s posting on www.wizs.com.

Local News Audio

Noon News 05/28/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

WIZS, Henderson – Your Community Voice
Governor announces COVID 19 county payments
Boys and Girls Club announce virtual summer camp
Perry Library announces curbside service
COVID 19 update


VGCC Reopening Business Seminars

VGCC Small Business Center Presents ‘Reopening Your Business’ Webinar Series

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the VGCC Small Business Center 

As local businesses begin to reopen, the Small Business Center of Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC) has scheduled a six-part series of online seminars intended to assist businesses in navigating these uncharted waters.

Sessions include:

June 4 – Understanding Phases 1, 2 and 3 of Reopening

June 9 – Reopening Your Business Without Opening Liability

June 11 – Best Social Media Practices as You Reopen

June 16 – The Latest CDC Health & Safety Guidelines Broken Down for Your Business

June 17 – Connecting With Customers as you Reopen

June 19 – Managing Finances During Reopening & Beyond

All sessions are from 10 – 11 a.m. Please register no later than twenty-four hours prior to each session at www.ncsbc.net.

In these one-hour sessions, subject matter experts will look at the various phases of reopening along with potential liability, communicating with customers and employees, CDC guidelines and managing finances. There will also be time allowed for questions and answers.

Participants will need a valid email address in order to receive the webinar login information. After registering, the link will be sent the evening before the event, and a reminder email will also be sent approximately one hour before the start time.

With additional questions, please contact the VGCC Small Business Center via email at smallbusiness@vgcc.edu.